It was another productive day in my humble dwelling. Beverly worked my tail off! One daughter even took another truck load!
May I present my new used for nothing else sewing area? This was the old utility closet in the lodge BEFORE we built it onto to Mom and Dad's house. There may be a little finessing to do but the bones, once again are in place. My machine sets on an old treadle sewing machine. This area shall later be painted.

The Now Cook Book corner has been covered with bits and pieces gathered carefully by Beverly. They must be in the same color and they all must connect, not in theme but in color. Beverly is an artist!
This is the sitting area in my computer room. Pink Lady has found her home. Side table is a wooden bar stool covered first with a curtain then draped with the same scarf that is on the foot stool.
See how the colors are carried to actual cook book shelf?
Last but not least, the flower corner, where a few survive my brown thumb. The hangings to the right are Mom's. This window faces east so Bev placed a lacy curtain so the flowers would have all the advantage of the morning sun.
We are getting closer to being organized totally. Sometimes I think, I should not post these for I do not live in a fancy dwelling. Then I think, why not, it is my home and I love it.
Can't wait to see what happens today!
Homey home over fancy schmancy any day. It is wonderful and so warm and inviting looking. I think y'all did a great job!
Everything is looking so nice! Beverly is wonderful at putting all your nice things in place for you. Love it!
My, you are organized-must be a February thing. My own home is full of packing boxes (I like things more orderly but find myself in upheaval). Thanks for dropping by my site today.
I need a Beverly to visit my abode!! How nice your house looks, very comfy and cozy!!
Can I borrow Beverly??? Please!!??? LOL!!!
Your place is starting to look so organized...lucky you!!!
You are getting so organized. So when ya going to get me organized. lol
Wow, things are looking so orderly and pretty around there. Your sewing nook looks so cozy. Is that a purple cover for your sewing machine? Girl, you've got great style :)
I would love to have a cookbook corner, too. Yours look so lovely, too.
I think your home is very cozy and gives off such a warm, comforting feel.
I have...shall we say, 'issues', so if you come to my house, you would probably be surprised to see a lack of clutter, knickkacks and stuff laying around.
Clutter and lots of stuff sress me out and make feel tense and uncomfortable in my own space (though, not when I visit someone else. isn't that odd?).
I don't have collections, except my Precious Moments in one curio cabinet (and that collection wasn't even started by me. lol!) and I don't care for kick knacks, unless they truly speak to me and bring me happiness (or remind me of special your bony cat you gave me. lol!)
I like how Beverly has everything tidy and in it's place. That's just how I like things, too.
My sons...not so much. I feel hives coming on and have difficulty breathing when I walk into their room sometimes. lol! They are packrats and always have some sort of project going on. I just smile and then make a quick exit. hehe
Your house is home. Someday, I hope to live in an old loved home. I know these corners are smiling at ya cha when you look at them:)
Keep posting, your inspiring. Did you do the pink lady? (looks like you are all artists:)
I love your little nooks and grannys, I need a Beverly to visit me. Keep us up to date on what you are up to next, it's fun to see how others decorate their homes.
I need a Beverly!!!
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