a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, February 15, 2010

I Am Burning My Bra!

Not for any women's liberation statement, but for comfort!  It is winter, I wear several layers so no one knows if I have a bra on or not.

When I come home from work, the bra is the first thing to leave so why wear it at all?

The battle of me and my bra goes back decades.

I remember my anger at growing breasts.  I could no longer skin up a tree or lay on a table while reading and they hurt when hit with a baseball!  Whose idea was this anyway?  I detested this new addition to my body.

Then Mother bought the wonder of all wonders...a training bra.  Who is it training?  Training us to bind our bodies to be uncomfortable?  It is not like I had to hold them in, they were tiny, sensitive and in my way but I did not need any thing to hold them.  Somedays I would remember to wear it, others, I forgot and no one knew the difference.

As they grew, we got to graduate to a newer, better, more womanly bra.  These were like cardboard with ever increasing circles sewn around the cups.  Looked like the brass bra breast plates of women warriors.  I remember one girl in school whose cup did not runneth over.  She went to sharpen her pencil, unaware that one side had dented in while the other was pointed straight out.  These bras could have flats so girls stuffed tissues in them to avoid the embarrasement of an unseen flat.

Then, thank goodness, women did start burning their bras and it was not unusal to see women braless.  I envied their comfort, their freedom.  Our house rules were, when you are in the public eye, wear a bra.

Then a new rule was born, not in our house, but in the general population; if you could hold a pencil under your breast, you could not go braless.  I tested this rule...I am free!  I could hold nothing under there, unlike today where I could hold a pencil, a tablet, a three ring binder and my purse...just kidding.

Old habits die hard and the house rules stand.

I have discovered that I have reached the age of "don't care".  Comfort is my guide.  I sit braless, drowning in comfort and have a smile on my face, ah, the freedom.


Lori Skoog said...

Since I retired from teaching, I hardly ever wear a bra. Free at last. ( I will admit that if we are going out to an event I knuckle under). Comfort. Why not????????

the canned quilter said...

I'm with you sister! Want to add mine to the fire?

Nola said...

Burn, baby, burn! I never heard of the pencil rule, gotta go try it.

Tonia said...

LOL!!! I ahve been able to hold a More than a pencil under there since I first got a bra! Passed my mom up when I was 15!! A good comfortable bar is my friend. I dont mind wearing them But a bad one can make your life very uncomfortable or down right miserable..

Tonia said...

Oops NOT BAR but BRA!! Lol My typing skills the last few days have been Very Debatable!!

Sunny said...

A torturous device invented by a man, no doubt! I wear mine as little as possible.
Sunny :)

The Farmers Oldest Daughter said...

Gotta love this post. Reminds me of Helen Reddy when she burned her bra. Unfortunately, I have to wear one. If not, they would hit my knees.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Me to sister. I only put one on when I leave the Ponderosa. The cows and Hubby don't mind. Heeeheeh!

Thanks for the great laugh girl, God bless!!!

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

HA! You go girl! I never knew what those training bras were all about either. But Mom insisted...

ellen abbott said...

I never wear a bra, have not worn a bra since I was about 19. The thing is, they didn't make bras with a small enough cup size for me. The only thing about having itty bitty titties was that I didn't have to bind myself up every day.

Gigi Ann said...

I too, would like to burn my bra right along with everyone else. Some days I stay in my nighty and housecoat just so I can be comfortable. But, when I leave home, I never leave without it.

I liked Tonia idea, before she changed it: "A good comfortable bar is my friend." Sounded alright to me. hehe

Tina said...

You really made me laugh...yes I'm with you tho..in my instructions for outfit.. when I die..jeans, t-shirt, smart wool socks, birks, no bra! lol!!
..and oh yea, my sunglasses!

Callie Brady said...

Thanks for the laughs! My daughter said that your post reminded her of a lady who wrote about her boobs disappearing as she got older and then her surprise when she found them one morning in her armpits. LOL

I'm more comfortable when wearing a good comfy bra. But, I was much happier before I was stuck with boobies.

An English Shepherd said...

Comfort rules :-)


T. Powell Coltrin said...

In my late teens and early adulthood I wore halter and tube tops (yes I did) and never wore bras. But if I don't wear a bra now they criss cross at every turn or get caught between my knees (as if) and I can't have that.

Achieve1dream said...

LOL I hate wearing a bra too. Around the house I just wear a camisole for some support without the suffocating feel of a bra.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Around the house and barn: no bra. And you're right, in the wintertime I'll even leave the house without a bra. With all my layers on and coat, noone ever knows. And I'm comfy. When you get older, comfort is key!

I'd say to add my bras to your fire, too, but I do have some nice comfy t-shirt material bras. They are underwire, but I can actually forget I'm wearing them.
And the other day I was laying on my back in bed bra-less and when I sat up, I realized my boobs were stuck in my armpits.

Sometimes you just gotta wear a bra...or risk losing your ta tas!


Unknown said...

Oh this is so funny!! I have always hated wearing a bra. I have never found a comfortable one and the straps are always falling off of my shoulders...hereditary flaw, cause my daughters both have that disease too. I am also a member of "The Itty Bitty Titty Commitee" so I don't really need one. That's what my grandaughter said to me the other day!!!

I don't wear one here on the farm unless I am expecting a package from UPS or the USPS and I feel that my weird postman is undressing me anyway so I am always prepared, well dressed!!

Blondie's Journal said...

Oh Gail~~~~

You have me laughing. What a funny post. I so remember that pencil test and I actually scored quite well, but that was then and this is now. I am afraid if I went braless it would only be my stomach holding them up. I have long been on the search for a comfy bra and it hasn't happened. But I need the support or I would just wear layers like you.

I love this post. What a wonderful group of women we have in Blogland...so bright and honest. And thanks for coming by today!


Unknown said...

Praises be I love your post. Totally agree.


Bernie said...

What a great post. I don't wear one now because of double mastectomies except if I have to for my chest is so sunken cuz they take the muscles too. I even used to wear the heavy old mastectomy prothesises which weighed 5 lbs. (honest, I weighed them) when I was still teaching. What I like most is how you inspired all the people who made comments to come out with hilarious comments too. So we got a double whammy--a great funny post and also funny comments. I particularly liked Tina's plan for what she wanted to look like when she was laid out in the end. Course you have all heard Maya Anjelo's joke about now she only wonders which one will make it to her waist first. And then the old song, " Do your boobs hang low, do they wobble to and fro, can you tie them in a knot , can you tie them in a bow." Sorry I got carried away.

Far Side of Fifty said...

What a funny post..I identify completely..as I was amply blessed..some days I just cannot wear a bra..although I have found some Hanes exercise bras that are comfy..make me look all flat..I do have a real bra or two with underwires and everything..oh I hate them..they are wedding and funeral bras..and I usually take them off in the car on the way home.. I could be happy never wearing a bra again!! :)

Pat said...

I usually take my bra off if I know I'm not going anywhere in the evening. But if I'm going out in public, a bra is a must. I don't want people wondering why I have swollen knees!

Love the dented bra cup/sharpen pencil story! Laughed out loud!

Anonymous said...

I guess its time someone invented something supportive and comfortable for you all girls( yea- you guessed it i'm a guy ) i was doing some research on the history of bras and just happened on your post, and i had a great time reading the post getting your views that the bra isn't comfortable - but some times necessary for giving support. I enjoyed this blog post..and had a nice time smiling away....( not derogatorily) i understand now why my wife is so interested into jumping in to her nightie as soon as we come back from shopping or party or what ever.....I m now worried about how my daughter is gonna deal with this issue when she grows up.......i guess NASA should start a project of high imporatnce and develop something useful for all woman kind...what do you say....any way its all your money actually - tax payers money.

so this a guy...cheering for you girls....be comfortable!!! and oh! Happy Women's day to you all !!.

Anonymous said...

it is all about keeping it real =]

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am late to this post by 4 years but i could have written this verbatim. this is my story and i do the same thing you do. the only time i wear a bra is out in the PUBLIC PUBLIC... like just now the cable guy left, he had no idea i was braless.. LOL....

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