a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Great Turtle Adventue

Far, far from water we discovered this baby
Lil asked, What is this thing?
Hubby's size twelve gives you an idea how big it was.
Well, it's not a poison snake, Bonnie said.
Today instead of fried turtle 
(we're from the South and it ain't cooked unless it's fried)
we decided to help this big fellow out.
A Gator ride later he reaches fresh water and is set free.
Bonnie is still not sure what to think.
Ki-Anne sticks her head under the water trying to track the turtle
Bonnie tries too
The turtle swims away.


eileeninmd said...

Hello Gail, I think the turtle is happy to be back in the water. Great shots of the turtle and your adorable dogs.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Have a happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Excellent story. I love happy endings...and turtles!

TexWisGirl said...

definitely good-sized! my baron would have been barking at and chewing on it.

Bethany Carson said...

What a neat turtle! I'm sure he was thankful to be in the water instead of fried!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all the photos made me smile, and i love the one with both dog heads staring in the water, laughed at that one..it was a great turtle adventure for you, the dogs and me.

Country Gal said...

Nice size turtle , would of made good turtle soup and a bowl out of the shell lol ! No kidding I would of set him free to . By the looks of the dogs they had a fun time with it to . Cute photos , Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend .

Lynne said...

That's a BIG turtle . . .
Happy you came along and helped him to the water!

TxFarmhouse said...

How refreshing to open up your blog after not blogging for so long and finding someone that still blogs! Absolutely love it!!! I started out blogging to journal for myself and will probably start up again. Thanks!!!

CountryMum said...

That is a very big turtle, and what a great story.

Mary Ann said...

Thank you, Gail... you know how I love turtles!

Debbie said...

What a big boy!! I love a story with a happy ending!!

Judy said...

Glad you were able to assist his travels and keep him out of the road...

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Gail and her man to the rescue......yay

ellen abbott said...

that's a big one alright. bigger than Big Mama I think.

LindaG said...

They always come in our yard and pasture. We presume from the bayou across the street. It's usually females, I think; and usually to lay eggs. Don't think we've ever seen little ones, but crows and other critters are quick to dig up the nests. They're usually only a few inches deep.
There's no lack of turtles across the street, I know that.
Or weeds. If farmers or neighbors don't keep the bayou clear, it just gets overgrown.

Great pictures! God bless. ♥

Arkansas Patti said...

Nice relocation and I am sure was appreciated. Loved your under water tracking dogs.

Martha said...

Aw sweet...a very happy ending for the turtle :)

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

That was a very good deed! VERY!

Lowcarb team member said...

Great set of pictures Gail.
I'm sure he was happy to be back in the water.

All the best Jan

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