a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Catching Up

seems to be something I'm not doing very well lately.  I did, finally in the month of June, change the top bed cover to something lighter.
I've almost finished with painting the outside of the house.  The paper wasps have delayed me.  I painted one as it emerged from a crack between wood and rock at the top of the chimney.  It fell but another followed it. I decided to stop painting until I get wasp spray. I'm allergic or I would just try and work around them.  

Between the rains and up and down the ladder, I've weeded and picked up limbs and moved rocks from the water garden so I could fit the ladder next to the house.  I've become braver and more trusting of my ladder placement judgement.  I have very few spots left to paint, just the trim.  Almost done!!!  The high spots will be done from the tractor bucket.  All with a two inch brush, too.  I'm kinda proud of my work.
It is hot and dry now.  A couple of afternoons were triple digits. Some that weren't felt that way with the humidity.  My painting follows the shade and in between I've picked cucumbers and onions, sprayed the hungry bugs with hot pepper/mint/Dawn tea, and moved things from my sister's house she sold.  Along with my regular "chores" I've stayed busy.

The old doe with a fawn thinks the garden is hers.  She likes the bean tops and the lettuce best.  The dogs were keeping her out but she convinced them to stay away the day they sniffed out her fawn.  The deer gave them a good stomping.  No one was harmed but the dogs let her graze in the garden now.

I've mentioned Pit Vipers or poisonous snakes have a smell.  Well, let me tell you something (the way Mom always started a wild story) I've been smelling something strange in our tool closet.  Told Hubby we either had a Copperhead or a skunk under the floor.  He said, Naw, the dogs would have gotten either.  They did one day...tore up jack shit as some would say.  I couldn't tell what was going on.  Had to take a piece of siding off to see under the floor.  There it was...a monster of a Cottonmouth snake.  The dogs did good.  Sad part is I think it got one of my Koi....and to think I've been moving those rocks, digging around, standing barefooted, never having my mind on a poisonous WATER snake.  Well, I'm thinking and watching now!

At night when I sit with ice packs on aching muscles and joints I try to read.  My latest book was A Parchment of Leaves by Silas House. I would like to share a line that struck a chord with me "That's all anybody can ask for, if you think about it-to have somebody love you and depend on you and take care of you when you're sick, and mourn over your casket when you die."

So, just like a letter from home, I've caught up through the times I've failed to post.

Happy Father's Day and may the rest of June be wonderful to you.


TexWisGirl said...

do be careful with wasps, ladders and snakes, too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your quilt is beautiful! You are so brave to paint with wasps around! Especially if you are allergic. And then the snake!! I am so glad no one got hurt, and neither did your dog.I would have peed my pants and run off! Screaming.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I like your pretty quilt. You are the brave one to be one the ladder, around the wasps and the snakes. I am glad you have not been bit!

Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all that danger has me shuddering for you. the last time bob painted our house he broke five ribs when the ladder fell over sideways because it was in the sand, it was the last 2 feet of painting. be careful up there.. yowsa on the snake. how dare he eat your koi? sounds like you are ticking off all the to do list really well...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Definitely watch your step! Both on the ladder and off.
Triple digits and humid - sounds awful.

Gorges Smythe said...

Lot of truth in that line.

21 Wits said...

I agree beware! I find myself out of time for fun stuff, something I have to work on....but wait it's work that's getting in my way!

Inger said...

HOw lovely, the deer and the dogs. Unfortunatly, everything here is about fire danger, so one can't keep the weeds. There will be plenty left that I won't be able to rake up and they will turn to mulch eventually.

Farm Girl said...

I am so glad the dogs finally got that cottonmouth. My goodness, you were right there. You have been so busy Gail I like getting caught up with you. I am so glad you are almost done with your painting. I think next summer I will tackle our outside. Just not this year. I have to get the inside done.
So do cottonmouths smell like a skunk?
We had a skunk right on the front porch last nigh. I could have reached out and touched him if I didn't have a window between him and me. I hope you don't work so hard this week.

Arkansas Patti said...

Dang girl, it is too hot to do anything but lay like a gator in the creek. Hope you are pacing yourself and enjoying this really long day.

StitchinByTheLake said...

There's a lot to be said when we are this busy - it means we have value and worth to others and to the world! blessings, marlene

Jo said...

Hi Gail, that quilt is exquisite! I loved reading all about your energy in moving the ladder, painting around wasps, lifting rocks and placing them elsewhere until... I saw that you'd been standing in a dangerous situation. Thank goodness you're OK. Please do take care. Blessings Jo

LindaG said...

I wish I had your initiative, Gail. You are a wonder. ^_^

If the snake only ate one goldfish, you should be glad. I am thankful for all those days you went barefoot and nothing happened.

I hope the rest of June is a blessed one for you all!

Martha said...

I LOVE that line in the book. That really is all we can ask for.

You are a power woman! Such an incredibly hard working lady. But do be careful out there...especially with those snakes!

Anonymous said...

I understand. I feel so far behind and out of touch, just too darned busy! I want to get back to a routine of some sort. I feel like I am going through motions but treading water. *sigh*
I agree with the quote and have said similar statements, myself. Because I truly feel that is what it all comes down to.
Hugs, my friend. Please stay safe!

Susan Kane said...

I'll take any post from you, long or short. Listen, you are not immortal. You probably ache in places you didn't know you had, and ignore warnings. I know this because I do the same.

Read the book, it sounds interesting.

Lowcarb team member said...

That line, those words ... I like it.

All the best Jan

Sandy Livesay said...

When you're done painting I know you won't sit still, it will be onto another project. Love your quilt, did you make it?

Lynne said...

Ladders, wasps, poisonous snakes . . . oh my goodness girl!
i am a basket case of fretting . . .
Especially that Cotton Mouth . . .
Really liked your last bit . . . reflecting and quote . . .
I sure hope you are appreciated!
I sure do . . .

Ida said...

My oh my you are a busy lady. - I hate getting on ladders so I wouldn't do a very good job painting our house. - Yikes that tale about the Cottonmouth snake would have scared me spitless for sure. So glad you found it and got rid of the thing. Do be careful out there.

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