a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, June 10, 2016

In The Garden

baby cucumbers are now visible
and growing well.
The worms have left the purple cabbage in good shape
unlike our broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and Dutch cabbage.
I guess they taste better! Or the bugs could be racists.
The Elephant Garlic blooms.
Still harvesting green onions.
Mmm, mmm good.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Love green onions!
So, your bugs are prejudiced against purple?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i just love the racist bugs.. ha ha ho ho he he. needed a smile today... wish those cucumbers were in my yard. i do love them

21 Wits said...

Wow. Your garden has been growing well! I don't even have everything started yet! We had a late start with a really cold spring here. I knew we would since our winter was really mild. Nice of the worms to behave, but I have a feeling they'll be up to their old tricks!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I've never seen baby cucumbers growing! Or any of these tiny new veggies. The elephant garlic is kind of pretty. But all of this asks the glaring question: Do bugs have taste buds? Surely there is someone out there who knows. But now, I think they do. What a strange and fun observation!

Harry Flashman said...

M and I were out in our garden this morning, before it got too hot. We had to stake up our tomatoes. I don't see how tomato plants grow so big and then fall over. Surely nature didn't make them that way.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Yum- green onions...I almost prefer those to any other except for vidalias. I'm glad your garden is growing and sorry about the bugs. I hope you find something to run them off before they eat you out of house and home. Have a super weekend...I hear we are expecting rain again on Saturday....bummer.

Truedessa said...

I am not an onion fan, but broccoli is a power food and I eat a lot of it. Maybe, the bugs don't like the smell or taste of the purple treat?

Martha said...

Good stuff. Nothing like homegrown!

Lowcarb team member said...

Shame about the bugs ...but your other plants look good and those green onions look superb!

As Martha said - there is nothing like homegrown!

My good wishes to you and have a good weekend

All the best Jan

LindaG said...

Congratulations, Gail! Looks fantastic!
Hope you all have a blessed weekend!

Lynne said...

Those green onions look soooo good!
Love seeing the "little budding cuke!"

Ida said...

Bugs are so not fun. It looks like you have a nice selection in your garden. Produce that is, not the bugs.

Susan Anderson said...

The few times we have attempted a garden, the bugs devastated it. Sort of got me discouraged!

Glad you are undeterred.


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