a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I always have such ambitious plans for a day at home. The thing about plans is they do change. I had visions of having all my inside work done by this time and heading outside to enjoy this wonderful weather. Well...it hasn't panned out.
Since Den, my husband, has been home sick, dishes were sky high. I worked on them last night until my hands were so wrinkled lotion would not soak in. It looks like all I did was switch the piles of dishes from one side of the sink to the other. I have a dishwasher but with so many I just ran them through the sink instead. By the time I washed them I did not care whether they were put away or not so there they lay.
The laundry has grow by the foot. (Did you ever notice how the house piles up when you are away?) The cries of no underwear made me start laundry but my husband can hear the washer from his recliner so that was a no go.
I have a wonderful loving helpful husband, don't get me wrong. We have been married for thirty-six years...through sickness and health. He is a lot nicer in health, believe me!
I am sick too but have you noticed the woman does not stop? I long for the time I am sick and someone notices. My mom always said not to complain, I made him this way.
Den is still sleeping so I had better get that underwear clean!


FarmWife said...

Thank you for visiting my blog! I fully understand the thing about mom being sick. When dad's sick, the world comes to a screeching halt. When mom's sick, dishes still need washing, dinner made, laundry washed, and everyone else's nose wiped!

Grammy said...

If only we had a maid. That only happens in our dreams. Wish I was closer and I could help you. Just remember things will get better.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

lol! I hear ya woman. :)

I was deathly ill lately. Wante to just crawl into bed and cover my head.

A week earlier my hubby, of 18 years went through the same illness....but he acted as if he was dying: hacking, moaning, laying on the sofa doing nothing, calling in sick...for an ENTIRE week!

Me? Did I get to lay in bed and quietly suffer. Did I get to 'call in sick' all week?

A woman's work is NEVER done.

Ain't it the truth! lol :)

Hope you feel better quick!
Life can't go on without you, ya know.
The world will end without clean underwear.



Christy said...

Oh, I know how you feel. I'd love just one to have someone take care of me when I'm sick. My husband always acts like it is an inconvenience when I'm sick.

The W.O.W. factor! said...

I just don't get sick "enough" to warrant stopping...Hubby always complains that I WON'T quit! So don't know how attentive he'd be...even all these years later....hmmmm

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