I'm thinking, what am I doing. This blog is called At The Farm and I am talking about werewolves! Some thing's not right here. I ramble, moan, groan and rant. I should be grateful that we have a wonderful farm and show off some of the highlights.

A few weeks ago I featured a new bridge that my hubby and his grand Kubota made for us. Now last week was a test for the water drainage. This is a dry ditch behind my sister's house. When it rains an inch, it will start running. This shows the muddy water draining from the new road work. The bridge is working fine. We could never have moved it without the help of Kubota man.

After the water cleans, it is very pretty and keeps running a few days after the rain. This was a washing spot that we filled with rock to avoid other erosion.

Of course you have met Princess in other posts. She is examining the tree Hubby dragged in (again with his mighty Kubota) to cut and split for Marcy's fireplace. Yes, this is a tree left over from the tornado damage in February.

Knot and Arrow playing. Someone has been scratching on my R, I will have to fix that!

Now we know why Andrew is such a good fullback! When he can get through Lil AND Maggie, no one can stop him. This is the way he practices. Lil and Maggie are always after the football, and he is dodging them.
I still do not know what led me to blog. I have met some wonderful people and learned many things. I have laughed and I have cried. Thank you for stopping by to visit At The Farm.
Hi Gail,
The bridge you built is doing a good job there. Princess is such a cutie pie. I'm always happy to see new pictures of her on your blog :)
My border collie likes to play the same games yours are playing with Andrew. They're great dogs.
I hope you have a great evening,
Hi Gail, hope the eve is a goodie for you.
Funny you should post "At the Farm" today...I was JUST thinking that my "all horse stuff" has gotten off track somewhat myself.
Think I will borrow your leading(may I) to get back with it as well...Be looking for my header in the new posting section too!
you have the best mind and ideas!
P.S. I absolutely LOVE the "sunning" photo at the bottom of the Page!
Oh Gail, I love your blog any way you want to do it. You are so much fun. There are no rules.
Farm question! Have you ever found a horse hair bird nest?
My friend in St Charles did years ago. I asked her about it and she don't remember what she did with it. I plan to keep an eye out for one this year. They are amazingly small and well built.
I love it that Andrew plays with the dogs to improve his fullback skills - that is so smart and cool!
What fun to have dogs that will play with you like that! I enjoy your blog no matter what you post about.
Princess is darling! I woulod love to have a goat, but my neighbors in subrubia would NOT be as happy.
I like your blog, it is very friendly and warm. There is more to a farmer than just the farm. Even if it's wherewolves! (Do Vampires next!!)
I enjoyed your randomness-somedays that is all there is! Wild Women don't get the blues, BECAUSE they don't have time! (or don't take time:)
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