a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Picking Spanish Needles...

while I bless them. I'm sure all of you know them. Those tall plants with the pretty flowers that the butterflies and bees just love. Also known as Black Jack, Farmer's Friend, and Hairy Beggarsticks. The scientific name Bidens pilosa does not make it any more fun to pick off your pants, shirt, socks, coat and sometimes your underwear.

Well, since I was griping, you know me, I had to do research! I actually found a site where people want seeds of this plant. I wish I had their phone number. I would give them all they can pick!

It is also used as a cooked green. Stop, listen to me, DO NOT PLANT SPANISH NEEDLES!!! They grow where ever they get a toe hold. They survive along fences very well. Walking down the fence row, I looked like a porcupine with mange! I felt like a pin cushion, a needle magnet, and a drug addict all at the same time.

You must not call this plant a wildflower and nurture it. It is a weed, rip it out by the roots! Burn it! Do not let one seed go to the ground!

We finished one section of fence, pierced as we were. Den pushed up some fallen trees(the reason for the fence damage) cut a couple off the fence. We are still cleaning up from the tornado in early spring (F4). Straightened, stretched and hammered, one side is finished.

...and you thought I was gonna gripe about snow!!


Gigi Ann said...

I know exactly what you are talking about. I use to hate when my dog came in all full of them. What a time trying to pick them out of her hair. She was a Chow, Chow, and she had very thick hair. The one thing that worked in my favor, was she was a very gentle dog, and patiently stood still while I picked away!

Sharon said...

That's a beautiful wildflower. . .err. . .weed. . .that's right. . .weed :)

Someone just gave my husband some moon flower seeds. We only have a few so I hope we do it right to get at least one or two plants out of those. I have some morning glories I'll be planting in the same area so we'll have flowers during the day and flowers at night :)

Wait. . .you were talking about weeds lol!

Good luck killing them all off Gail,

Tiffany said...

Oooh, but they're so pretty!!
lol just kidding, I hate those things with a passion, them and all their prickly wickedness...

To Sharon, who commented before me, all you need are a few seeds for moon flowers and morning glories, they take hold so quickly and abundantly!! Every year I plant them by my porch railing and around the base of our mailbox and every year I have to fight with them to cut them back! LOL

Adventure girl said...

I don't know what those are. I learn so much from you;)

Carla said...

What a pretty flower, what a wicked weed! I have been stabbed by something similar-and it didn't bloom as pretty!

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