Saturday, February 28, 2009
Why I Don't Play With Ouija Boards

I know, I know, it has been a parlour game since the eighteen hundreds, but I still can not do it.
I played one time in my early teens. From that time, my mind has been set.
My cousin had a Ouija Board. Bev, in college, was engaged to be married. At some point, we decided to ask the Ouija Board a few questions.
We set up the board and placed our fingers on the pointer. The first question, of course, was who would Bev marry. The pointer moved. Diane, Bev and I all accused the other of moving it.
Bev was engaged to a gentleman named Brad. The pointer, without hesitation, spelled out RAD. We all laughed...someone could not spell Brad.
You know me, even at that young age, I was full of questions, always wanting proof. The next question was from me...who are you?
The pointer sat for a minute, we had decided it would not move. Very quickly it started to move, everyone was accusing the other of pushing it. We spelled it aloud...L....E....G....I...O...N!!!
This was in the middle of a sunny afternoon and I got cold chills, removed my hands and from that point have refused to touch or own a Ouija Board.
This may seem strange coming from a old farm girl with average intelligence. I cannot change this belief. Call it strange, weird, sick, crazy but I call it real.
My proof? Years later Beverly married Richard Alan Day! The board could spell after all!!!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
SkyWatch and Febreze
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I Love Purple!
This N That

A little humor

And one simple question
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Going Back...Way Back
I Skipped A Day!!
Monday, being a Monday, kinda sucked the life outta me. Then there was Terrible Tuesday which dined on whatever was left, post.
Although Bev did not give me homework this weekend, I have been trying to keep this rock rollin'. I moved out a big craft table I had made and placed it on the dreaming porch. I brought in my Grandpa's old table he had made for my "art" table.
I have also been sorting papers for taxes (dirty word!) and trying to get my desk area organized, paper wise. Piles of tax use, piles of no use, and piles of future use paper are cluttered in my desk area. I have yet to finish.
May Wednesday be a wonderful, beautiful day to inspire me to achieve great things and seize the day.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Miracles By Beverly
See how the colors are carried to actual cook book shelf?
Last but not least, the flower corner, where a few survive my brown thumb. The hangings to the right are Mom's. This window faces east so Bev placed a lacy curtain so the flowers would have all the advantage of the morning sun.
We are getting closer to being organized totally. Sometimes I think, I should not post these for I do not live in a fancy dwelling. Then I think, why not, it is my home and I love it.
Can't wait to see what happens today!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My Husband Had A Dream
My husband has been overwhelmed and overworked since the end of January when the ice hit, then the flood hit. He is the manager of the Office of Emergency Services for our county.
Most people have power restored and all roads are open. Things are not perfect but they are improving.
During all this, we, too, had trees fall, fences down, things washed out. My hubby, being the last to take care of himself, is very good at his job.
He could not sleep well the other night for dreaming. We can guess what was on his mind...our messes.
He dreamed the cows escaped through the many downed fences. He dreamed twenty extra head of horses came in. He dreamed of mud up to all the animals necks and they could not move. He dreamed the mud dried and the horses were sprigging grass, walking along, placing the sprigs and patting them in with hooves.
At least it had a happy ending! Now if we can train them to sprig grass, we will have lots of help!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Beginning to see dots of green in the landscape. Could it be spring peaking out? Bring it on!
Marcy and Bev have been planting onions in every bare spot they can find. Marcy said we didn't have enough last year.
I shall do my homework 'cuz Bev will be here tomorrow ready to make miracles happen.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Who's Driving?
I kid you not! This lawn mower is not running. The lights look like they are on.
See the mist above the mower?
Has someone come to help us clean up the mess?
Sky Watch and Power Tools
I would always get so frustrated when I had to ask hubby to use a screw driver because I did not have the strength. Felt like a wussy, little, wimpy girl. I don't mind playing the helpless Southern Belle, when it suits me, but not when I have to!
Power tools have changed all that for me. Battery operated is even better. There is no stopping me now. I used to think I could fix anything with duct tape and a staple gun but now I have added to my tool kit.
I can screw,(pun not intended, but permission granted to enjoy) saw, hammer with the best of them now! I have power tools!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
This Is Me
If I don't run away!!!!!!!!!!
My New Underwear
There's just nothing like a good pair of underwear to make you feel good!
My underwear is kinda like my personality...simple, strong, yet soft.
I do not wear the butt floss panties that all the young people seem to be wearing. I do not wear bikinis or fancy sexy shiny underwear. I want no nonsense comfortable underwear. I do not like people crawling up my butt so I don't want my underwear to do that either. I do not let my underwear show unless you come visit too early or too late.
I'm not wearing the kind of underwear that Grandma used to wear but I'm getting close.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Battle In The Closet
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
If you have not noticed, my style is very eclectic shabby chic or in my words, making do with what you got. The only new things I own are appliances and a mattress set. Each piece in my house tells a story, each piece has history.
I think that is the difference between a house and a home. How exciting is it to say I bought this at Thomasville? I can say I found this in the barn, I made this, we found this at a really cool yard sale and paid only ten dollars. This table is Grandma Greenstreet's, this cabinet is Granny Pruett's, this is my mother's, Dad build this for me is such a much more intriguing tale than Thomasville.
My new office corner is not quite finished. It just needs things placed in shelves and a few things put up. Remember the sleigh bed head board? Here it is from the other side, a very convenient room divider, if I do say so myself. My calendar and a few artsy things with be on this.
Oops, I think I bought the file cabinet new about twenty years ago. The chair under the desk is Mom's and the desk is another yard sale find.
This may not be to every one's taste, but I will take Gailsville over Thomasville any day!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ice Pictures By Maria

I am delighted with all the changes and the rooms flow so much better and feel open and spacious. I even did some painting today. Will look forward to scaring you with them
Andrew is wondering when we are going to get his room done.
Both daughters and all three grandsons were my valentine. Both girls moved some of their stuff out so I am making head way. Thank God!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Did You Ever Notice...
I know Beverly says you have to muddy the waters before they clear but boy, these waters sure are muddy right now.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Freedom of Blogdom
What does it give us? Why do we do it? And why are there those that always seem to have something negative to say about anything? My Dad always said, "If you cannot say something good, keep your damn mouth shut!"
Here are my thoughts. You may agree, you may not. You may comment or you may not. That is your choice and your freedom as it is my choice and my freedom to talk about anything I want to from what ever point of view I choose.
Since I have entered Blogdom, I have seen a few friends insulted and forced to move their websites. I have seen people's feelings hurt by unthinking remarks. I have met many wonderful people with amazing stories and thoughts to share.
We choose to blog, to bear our souls to strangers, in hopes of finding a common thread to make our journey through life a little easier. We blog to empty our hearts and know that a shared load is always lighter. We blog to find people to listen to our woes, our triumphs, our successes and our failures. We blog for pleasure and for education.
To thine own self be true and never doubt that what you say touches someone, somewhere, someway.
Be strong, be free.......BLOG!