a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, October 15, 2010

Goodbye To The Princess...

Marcy was sad to say goodbye to her little Princess but she said it was time for her to be a goat, a real goat.  One that has goat friends and goat family.  I am delighted she made this decision.
I don't think she would have parted with her bottle fed house baby if it had been anyone besides Sam that took her.  This goat was so spoiled as a bottle baby, she would bleat when it was time for soap operas.  Marcy kept her in a dog crate in her house during the evenings.  Then Princess grew and grew and grew, so outside she went.
Sam is a horse trainer but this goat pulled her over!  Not hurt, but laughing.  Princess was trying to see what she could get away with.
Sam and Princess worked it all out.  Princess hopped right into the goat cage.  I am thinking she will become a milk goat.  Sam has a mixed herd and does well with her goats. 

Princess was one of triplets and Mama just said two is enough so that's how it started.  Marcy was sad but I think somewhat relieved.  No going out to feed Princess this winter!

As Sam prepared to leave with two kittens and a goat, Marcy said, take a picture of her babies for me. 

I did wait until I got inside before I did my happy dance!


the canned quilter said...

Lol!! I have done the happy dance a time or two in my years on the farm.

Pat said...

I love stories with happy endings! Yeah! That picture of Sue on the ground just cracked me up!

Country Gal said...

Happy ending for Princess and kittens thats great ! Have a good day !

mj said...

I love reasons to do "happy dancing"! You go Princess, be a goat!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I've done that same happy dance. I just takes special people to love the goats. They are so cute and all but glory what they can do!

My Daddy bought a little boys goat one time in Stockton, Mo. and brought it way down to the Ponderosa for little Geek Son to bottle feed. Well, son didn't enjoy feedin' the little rascal 'cause it stepped on this toes. His Sunday School teacher said they prayed for the goat 'cause Mama was gonna kill it! (Face turning red here, yep I probably did say it when I found it strippin' the bark off my newly planted trees.

The little boy who Dad purchased the goat from was gettin' sick 'cause he missed his goat so much so Dad made the lengthy trip back to the Ponderosa to retrieve the goat and return it to the youngen' he bought it from. That my friend was the first and last goat we've had on the farm. :o)

God bless ya sweetie and have a magnificent weekend!!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh, sorry that was so long...I just had to get it out. Heeehehehe :o)

Rural Rambler said...

Well you gotta know I understand Marcy's sad feelings but hey I gotta tell you I understand the happy dance!

Barbara said...

Sounds like Princess found a great new home, always sad to see a pet go, but with the goats I can see the happy dance indeed, hugs

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Well, no doubt about the happy dance. A goat's gotta be a goat, not a dog. When I was a child, my grandfather insisted that we bring home a cute little black goat from the ranch....my Mom put her foot down and said the city was no place for a goat. There was a stand off and my Mom (southern girl) smiled, said Bless your heart and we came home goatless. I was crushed for about two seconds...then I was on to something else. The Olde Bagg

Aleta said...

I think it's funny that you waited until you got inside to do the happy dance! Lol. Really cute goats!

Pyatshaw said...

We too had a goat(Nancy). Someone gave it to the children as a pet and it was just like a dog,following me everywhere and HAD to jump on anything above ground level, even into the clothes basket when I was hanging up the washing.Luckily we had no garden, to speak of,so no vegetables or flowers to eat but she did become quite rough , particularly after she grew little horns. She eventually went off to a crofter to help feed the orphan lambs.

LindaG said...

Have a good weekend. :)

Unknown said...

It's sad to say goodbye to any animal but I'm happy their going to a better place.


Carolyn said...

Animals bring more joy to our lives than a lot of people do. I would totally live on a farm with tons of animals if I could. Maybe someday.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is a bit sad for Marcy but at least you know Princess will enjoy her new home with other goats...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

D. Jean Quarles said...

How sweet. What a great story. Glad it ended well.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is a beautiful goat... i guess they are a lot of work. how about a miniature goat, half that size. they are sooo cute....

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