a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fare Thee Well, Blue Boots,

the sight makes my heart swell.
Your points protected me
and held me in the stirrups well.
Even the day the saddle slid,
completely upside down,
you held me in those stirrups,
I never touched the ground.
You never forget your first,
is what I've always heard.
Blue Boots, you're in my heart forever,
even though you're useless as a turd.
These fancy show boots
will soon belong to someone new.
Alas, poor blues, I'm over you,
may you find someone else to love.
Give me Ariats that fit me like a glove,


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh that is sad there are a lot of boots retiring lately. Enjoy the new ones. B

Lori Skoog said...

So go the boots....

T. Powell Coltrin said...

They are cute, but if the relationship is over then...it's over.

the canned quilter said...

For everything there is a season : )

LindaG said...

Hehe. Cute story, Gail. Hope you all have a great weekend! :)

Pearl said...

Farewell Blue Boots! We hardly knew ye!


Country Gal said...

I have never had blue western boots lol always black, tan or brown ! Fare well blue boots may your new jouney begin ! Cool post and photos I loved it , Love the horses on the chair ! Have a great day !

ellen abbott said...

Oh, so sad. Very nice boots they are. I had some turquoise ropers I loved but then my feet got just enough bigger that I couldn't wear them. I still pine for my turquoise ropers.

Susan Anderson said...

Powder blue boots!



Anonymous said...

Ahhh boots! How I wish you could be mine! Alas...I don't think it is meant to be as our distance is too great! I shall eventually find my own pair! Hee hee! Love them Gail! I hope they find a good home!

Chickadee said...

It's funny how we get attached to certain things. I get attached to my hiking boots, especially when I think of all the places they've walked.

carolina nana said...

OH look what wonderful memories the sight of these old blue boots arouse in your mind. I'd keep them just because of the that !!! We just need bigger houses for all these treasures !!
Blessings to you

Pat said...

So what you're saying is, "These boots were made for walking.....right out your door!"

DesertHen said...

Catchy and Clever! Love me some Ariats!!

Judy said...

I bet you showed in those boots...matching jacket, pants, blanket and boots...hat also...

Ranch Girl Diaries said...

What a fun color! ;-) They are probably worth something in a vintage boot shop. I love my Ariats, I live in them on the ranch. I have 3 pairs!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yes, i get it... poor blue boots, given up for adoption

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