a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Like Doilies

I think you know,
and they kinda hide the dust!
Any excuse to use them is fine with me.
And place, any where,
is a good place for one.
I envy the talent.
I do not have the patience, nor the eyesight,
 to work with small thread.
I can make big things with big threads and strings.
I have done afghans, rugs, shawls and scarves.
Self-taught, if I use a pattern, I have to use two books,
one that directs and the other that tells me
what kind of blooming stitch they are talkin' about now.

Anyone want to throw out your doilies,
let me know,
I'll send my mailing address...and postage!
Did I mention I like doilies?


Anonymous said...

I love doilies! I have loads. Some people find them really old fashioned but when you have an old fashioned style house, they look beautiful.

CJ xx

Buttons Thoughts said...

Gail I love dollies for the same reason. That reminds me I really should look under them soon. B

LindaG said...

Lovely doilies!

Nancy said...

Gail -- funny -- you do not strike me as a "doily" person. But then, that makes it all the more interesting. I usually have an eye out at the thrifts for old doilies. :)

StitchinByTheLake said...

I wish I could remember the website where I saw it but I can't - I saw a beautiful quilt recently that was a whole cloth (blue) and the maker had appliqued a variety of white antique doilies all over that blue quilted piece. It was beautiful! blessings, marlene

Pat said...

Doilies help protect the furniture, too. I had lots of doilies in my house. I liked the way they looked against the dark wood.

Susan Anderson said...

I used to be into doilies myself. I still have some in my bedroom.

They're cool. Especially ones my grandma made.


Carol Henrichs said...

I like doilies too. I too used to be a 'big' crocheter. For some reason I could never make the thread work for me. Then one day, all of a sudden, I tried it again. Like magic, I could do it.

Since then I have made tons of doilies. It is nice to see them appreciated. Rarely do I make them anymore though, since I can pick them up for next to nothing at an estate sale.

Irene said...

All the doilies my mother made for me are in the States with my ex, otherwise I would send them all to you. It was not meant as a criticism, by the way. I had them too, obviously. Now I have a different style.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gail! Love the doilies! I would send you mine, but alas....I love them too! Especially since the majority of the ones I have belonged to my maternal grandmother and my step-maternal grandmother! I truly can't wait to have a new "our place" so I can finally unload my Mobile Attic! I have so much that I've never even used much less seen in years it will be like Christmas! Not to mention it will also save me $130 a month!

Seriously, if I come across some that are not family heirlooms and they don't appeal to my current taste, I would love to pass them on to you...I know you'd appreciate them!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I really like that first doily, mother had one like it and so did I. my house used to have doilies everywhere, but they were left behind when i fled from GA to FL... i have 2 now, they sit under 2 oil lamps.

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