I don't know why I think I can get every thing done in one day. Never have been able to but always keep trying. I spent my morning doing like a little boy dog, as Momma used to say, doing a little here, a little there...
I check the computer before any one else hits the floor. That's my quiet time, but the cool morning called to me. I answered. I walked through the kitchen saw watermelon hulls for the horses. Carried one batch out, carried a few rocks back and added them to the garden I had cleared by the house.

When I returned to the kitchen for the second load of treats, I thought, I need to gather all the halters, ropes and bridles and sort them for each animal. I dumped my gear bag in the middle of the dining room (remember, that's where my saddles are) and decided to make a hanger for all the head gear in the dining room. That's right! Where we eat! Hey, this is a working farm, not a fancy magazine place, where nothing is ever out of place. Now, they are all in place, I made a hanger using old door knobs and a two by four. How's that for fancy? Charme wears purple, Arrow; black, Knot; red and Magic; blue(he's a Patriotic horse...red, white, and blue) All halters, leads, bridles are all in place...wait a minute...where the hell is my blue halter??
So I head back to the old barn, with more watermelon, and I have company. No one will let me take a good picture, they all want treats so most pictures would have looked like fish eye photos.
Magic dances after Ki, and I holler, No, to Ki and Magic thinks I am talking to him! Gosh, it sure gets confusing around when we all know the same language.
I asked Knot to smile pretty, not look like a mule but he mule-hammed for the camera anyway. Their minds were on that watermelon. I asked every one, where is the blue halter and every one denied ever seeing a blue halter.
Horses spoiled and loved, I headed back to the house...yes, I am sweating now and marking my territory well.
Bev calls and says, I'm going to the shop so that is where my boxing comes in...been boxing stuff all week I want to sell. Load the car with said boxes and head to the shop...with two drinks but it was not nearly enough. It is cooler but not working in the shop where we only had fans going.
My nephew bought some big-ass shelves at an auction and did not stay home long enough to put them together so, you guessed it, it's up to me and Bev. (Nephew is in Alaska working...hope it's black fly season!) These are supposed to be tall shelves, we can't budge them! Two elephants couldn't lift them with three trunks!
So we improvise, we stack the big rolly bases together and place shelves on them and make a wonderfully solid display table. We move a couch or two,a couple of tables and move some boxes. We are drinking heavy, breaking often and sweating a lot.
Hubby and Andrew show up...Thank goodness! The four of us with a dolly, moved three of those darn sections and it took all we four had, to do it. We are gonna stack those boogers and if someone else wants to put them together, they are welcome to do so. Hey, cover 'em with a quilt and it will make a great table.
The two men also unload my car, which I had not gotten around to doing, left and came back with drinks for me and Bev. Hubby and Andrew are looking pretty darn good, what I can see through my sweating eyeballs.
We continue to discuss ideas and arrangements...til we both just sweated out. Left for the day.
I came home to the smell of tacos, I'm so hot, I really don't care to eat, took a shower, drinking liquids like I haven't had a drink all day and never did find that dang blue halter!!!