a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Day Out Is Rare

but now and then we force ourselves to do something other than work.  Hubby had a mission and I went along for the ride.  We arrived at one of my favorite places, the Wolf House in Norfork, Arkansas.
I have shared visits to the Wolf House before but I never tire of seeing it and revisiting the history that people actively work to keep intact. If I were to build a dream home it would be much like the Wolf house only with modern amenities.  Other structures have been added to the compound, all part of our history with many buildings Jacob Wolf built himself.
There is an elevated walk way so you can have an overall look and/or you can visit each structure up close and personal. 
This is viewing the back or front actually since it faces White River from the walk way. The trees are fully leafed so the view was different form my last visit.  
Where the Norfork River(right) meets the White River was an advantageous location for a trading post.  The Wolfs were in the right spot for success.  They traded with new explorers and Native American Tribes that still lived in the area...before we got so greedy.

It was a successful day.  It was an enjoyable day.  Time out together was long overdue and appreciated.
I tried to get a new profile picture with Hubby behind the lens
Many of y'all will know this look.  I won't tell that Hubby was encouraging me to stick out my chest and suggested I grab some nuts off this pecan tree. 

Sadly the days are past that I look good naked but that's okay.  I don't allow naked viewing.  I try to pretend by choosing a Barbarian character on my video game and call her Buxom Babe but only in the video. When I play my beauty is timeless.  Sixty does something to you...not the age necessarily but the journey to reach sixty.
Playing peek-a-boo is always a fun game when a husband is making snide remarks. He forgot I was armed.
He's pushing his luck.  He soon will be sixty-three and I can still out run him.  And I'm a pretty good shot.
I guess I will let him get away with his ribbing because we are working on the next forty-two years together.


Sandy Livesay said...

The Wolf House, what a great piece of history. Now the two rivers merging together is interesting and looks like a great place to fish too.

Great pictures of the two of you, look at the love birds 42 years together, and we can see admiration, and love you two have for one another :-)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

The sense of humor will keep you going...at least it has for us!...:)JP

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bet your husband doesn't think you're too old for naked.
Great photos of you and the area. Glad you guys got out for the day.

LilliStJohn said...

If you are working on forty-two years together honey, then I would say it works. I had a good laugh on that line "I can still out run him and I'm a pretty good shot". he,he When you got gold, you just got gold and you grow together through everything - that's what makes it golden - a lot of people want that and a fair amount of us have it too. Part of what makes it all work and makes it pretty nice, even when things get tough and challenging. I am still thinking about the nightmare and reaching out to feel the warmth and security of a hand to keep you safe from those dreams. Aah, you just made my day. Thanks a bunch and lol to Marcy n family.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the cabine and the house with the breeze way is wonderful. this is a place i would love to wander around. and wade in that river if possible. he did a great job with the new profile pics, i choose number 5 pic you look super... make that Super Sixty... LOL... just wait and see what 10 years will do... talk about a house with no mirrors.. LOL...

Lynne said...

Happy you put "the work" out to pasture for the day and had some fun being giddy and celebrating forty two years!
Happy Anniversary . . .
(I liked seeing the pics of each of you!)

Michaele said...

Nice get away from work spot. Love that you two still kid around. You both look pretty ornery : ) BTW I work in Norfolk, NE - so this must be a sister town.

Linda Kay said...

Congrats on your happy marriage and fun exchanges. Looks like you are having a great time on your day out.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

What a lovely outing. I don't blame you for thinking it a great place to visit, so pretty.
As to your picture, girl you and hubby both are still lookers and I think you are doing a great job of "making it work" with humor and being able to out run him and throwing in the shooting doesn't hurt either. tee hee.
Happy 42 years you two. Linda

TexWisGirl said...

you two are good together. :) lovely place!

Far Side of Fifty said...

That is a way cool place, I would like to visit there someday! Your hubby captured you beautifully! You are looking good! :)

Henny Penny said...

That could be my dream home too. That small log home reminds me of our cabin...except our is red now. Those are great pictures of you. He looks pretty serious walking toward you there. :)

Susan Anderson said...

Love these picture of you, and chuckled on the looking good naked observation.

I definitely feel ya on that one...I don't allow naked viewing anymore, either. At least, not in the daylight.


Farm Girl said...

I like when you visit that place too. I really like that river. It is so pretty. You and your hubby are so cute. I like that you guys are still laughing. I hope you go 34 more years too.

Dreaming said...

I cracked up at your comments… and your secret weapon photo! Yeah… we are there, too. I totally understand!
Love the Wolf House. I hope to get there to see it in person some day. I enjoy visiting old homes and imagining life back in the day. I guess our lives are far superior… but, I can still dream.

Unknown said...

Sadly, back when I looked good naked, my mom had brainwashed me to be totally embarrassed by my looks and to wear horrible baggy clothes to cover my flaws. Vanity was not allowed i small children for any reason and she treated me as a small child until I was 27 and escaped. for any reason. I did not really have flaws except to be more attractive than my sister who was the favorite. Mom is gone now and I have a husband who thinks I look good naked even at 53 and covered with surgery scars.

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