a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Bonnie's New Toy

Having fun in the old cat tails 
Bonnie and Squiggs look for treasures.
Bonnie found it first.
I have no ideal what the turtle autopsy report was
but we know it died.
Bonnie had to work on carrying it correctly.
Finally figured out the best way to keep her treasure close.
Absolutely no way anyone is getting this prize.
Ki-Anne tried to convince her to give it up.
Nope, ain't gonna happen!
It's mine and I'm keeping it.
It smells really good.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

shooeee i think i can smell it here.. Bonnie loves her treasure. she is just so beautiful now.. looks like something or someone ripped its head off.. who would do that? bol

gld said...

Sugar currently has a partially dehydrated scrap of dead calf skin she protects from me. When I come near her she grabs it carries it high and runs. Dogs do like their treasures.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ahhh...she favors reptiles! Interesting...:)JP

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Or as good as a dead turtle can smell.

Lynne said...

Determination will be hers . . .
And fragrance inspired in question . . .

Linda Kay said...

So funny....my two girls are always trying to trick each other out of a "treasure". This morning it was a piece of Styrofoam that came out of a box by accident. What a mess!

TexWisGirl said...

i bet it does!

Country Gal said...

The things dogs get up to lol! Cute post and photos , Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

troutbirder said...

Yup Possession is nine points of the law...:)

Empty Nester said...

Oh, I am SURE it just smells delightful. Tucker would be rolling in it. LOL

Sketching with Dogs said...

Yuck, they like the funniest things, don't they!
Lynne x

LindaG said...

Kind of funny how they like dead smelly things..
Hope you're having a great day, Gail. ♥

Truedessa said...

Animals do the darnest things..I guess the smell didn't matter.

Susan Anderson said...



Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh my- I bet it smelled wonderful...NOT! Why is it that dogs love to roll all over foul smelling stuff? I Had a dog once who would drop like a hat onto a pile of any yuck and roll and roll. Gross. Now my cat...she would stick her nose up in the air and walk the other way.

Susan Kane said...

The deceased turtle had no way of knowing the excitement he would create! If I were you, I'd try to see what it looks like inside. If you can get hold of it.

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