a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, August 8, 2014

Same Day Out..

We lucked onto a new viewing area with parking and winding trails.  This is right up my alley but sadly Hubby can't climb nor walk a lot.
Our view from the first look off was spectacular but then I spotted a trail.  Hubby waited for me to explore.
First I saw this...okay, but how high can it be, really.
After quite a steep hike I saw another sign.
I can't see the top.
I can't see the bottom.
And yes, that is a person falling off a cliff on the sign!
At the summit even the trees were falling over the bluff.
The view was worth the hike even in ninety plus temps.
Right then left Norfork River as far as I could see.
An island and a little white water was way down the river.
I saw rocks and wild flowers.  The descent was very steep.  I had to use my brakes a lot. I saw a new view and I was loving the planet, a wonderful creation.  I was thankful when I reached the bottom.  I acted tough as if the height did not bother me.  I was telling Hubby how beautiful the view was.  He saw me coming and had a drink and a air conditioned truck waiting for me.

Gotta love a man that encourages you to have an adventure even if he no longer can.  I think I will keep him.


LilliStJohn said...

Yep, I agree that if a man will sit and wait while you have the adventure, he worth a whole bunch of goodness. God Bless ya TM for you got to hear the story and share the hike and we got to see it all. I would so enjoy this Gail. What a wonderful way to spend the day. lol to you all and hugz to M

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Yes, he's a keeper! I have the same kind of guy...)JP

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I have the same kind of man and that is priceless. Oh that is a great place I would love to seen but driving up not so much :) Hug B

Lynne said...

He sounds like a keeper . . . better sign on for another forty two!
Gorgeous views from your trek to the top!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That is an amazing view! The sign is a little humorous though.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are the opposite, bob is 8 years older but would be the one to go to the top while i waited in the truck. my mind wants to do this, my body says no... a beautiful view and a litle scary with the pic of the falling person and that leaning tree.

The Furry Gnome said...

Hope my wife keeps me!

Sandy Livesay said...

Yep....he's a keeper!!! Beautiful place to hike and watch nature take it's course.

TexWisGirl said...

i'll take your word for how steep it was! yikes!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Glad you had your adventure, that TM was such a goodie and that you two have such a great "agreement". It's the best kind of relationship. Oma Linda

Linda Kay said...

Yes, you definitely do need to keep him, and what a wonderful hike you enjoyed. The view is breathtaking.

Farm Girl said...

How lovely and I wish I was there to go with you on that hike. It looks fantastic. I am so glad you have a buddy to go do things with and then wait for you in the air conditioning. I bet it sure felt nice when you got in.

Susan Kane said...

What a hike indeed! The view must have been tremendous. Glad your husband found someone to while away the time, in A/C.

Michaele said...

So sweet of him to wait for you. Hope he got in a nice nap. The Elkhorn river goes through our Norfolk.

LindaG said...

Gorgeous views, Gail. I'm glad you felt like going, too.
I would have waited with your hubby. ;-)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful place it is, very nice
Vertical Garden Planters

VioletSky said...

The view is gorgeous. And he knew you had a camera and would be able to share it with him I tend to wilt in 90º, so I might have gone, but would have been whining a lot.

Susan Anderson said...

Absolutely beautiful! And yes, you should keep him...


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