a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, August 18, 2014


is as varied as my hats
My, oh, S**t, the valley's flooding boots
My Ariats going to build a tree stand with Hubby
Also known as my
"what the hell am I doing on the roof?" boots
My new boots testing the creek
My bare feet
after I gave up on these.
Socks and flip flops...I think it was winter
My long-lived boots with repairs
My retired boots
Extra new boots just in case
Fixing culvert boots
Snow boots.
My footwear varies job to job, not always appropriate for the job but they work as we continue to work At The Farm.


Optimistic Existentialist said...

That's a lot of shoes! You wear many hats, er, shoes :)

LilliStJohn said...

Varied Boots, Varied Hats, Varied work aboot the farm, Varied Roles in Life make for Great, Wonderful experiences and all dealt accordingly with varied wear. I love yer boots, so you must come see mine. he,he......oooh n my hats too! lol hugz

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite boots here are the what the hell am i doing on the roof boots and what the hell WERE you doing on the roof.. LOL
i have owned 3 pairs of boots in my whole life, when i was 15 majorette boots were the rage to wear to school. i had rubber boots that went over shoes until 59, and one pair of cowboy boots when driving the big rig... have not owned any boots in the past 30 years...

LindaG said...

Great post, Gail!
Are the Ariats comfortable? I think we have those around here.
Have you ever tried clogs, or whatever they are called?
Duct tape is good for everything!
Have a great week!

Linda Kay said...

I never have much occasion to wear boots here in the city. But I love the idea of the post. That duct tape is a great idea for repairs of knock around boots. My daughters tell me that since I'm in Texas I do need to buy some cowgirl boots. Maybe this winter.

Dreaming said...

You beat me. I have four pair of boots. That's all. Well, I suppose if I peeked under the clothes and looked back in the corner of the closet I might find one more! Oh, but wait, I forgot my ski boots. And my Ariat's, well I have three pair; the ones that are a wee bit too tight, the ones that are a bit too large and those that are just right! ;-)
I love your artful photos!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You have a lot of boots.
Duct tape. It's the answer to everything.

Lynne said...

You must have quite the line up of boots, for you and then the rest of the gang! WOWSY!

TexWisGirl said...

i've tried to salvage rubber boots with duct tape. didn't last too long. i have learned the hard way to always have another pair on reserve. ALWAYS! because if rainy season hits, everyone is sold out!

Sandy Livesay said...

Nice variety of boots/shoes for all the different jobs on the farm.

Maude Lynn said...

I love the boots with the horses!

Henny Penny said...

You tickle me! I have a pair just like yours with the duck tape. In fact I've worn a hole in the same spot as yours...but I'm using Poppy's camo duck tape to repair them. :)

Brian Miller said...

all about the boots...smiles...love hte duck tape patchwork...i def love barefoot the best...but nothing beats a good pair of boots...

gld said...

You must add a pair of Muck boots! I have two pair and love them above all others.

I will never own a pair of 'wth am I doing on the roof' pair. If I get two feet off the ground I feel like I am floating.

Jenny said...

I'm laughing over the duct tape repairs!

How fun!

DesertHen said...

I like all of your boots!

Susan Anderson said...

My goodness, Gail. You've got boots to burn!


PS. Gotta love the duct tape!!

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