a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Terrible News...

Sixteen billion toilet paper rolls, the cardboard inside, are discarded each year in the US.  I am making it my personal responsibility to discover a brilliant way to re-purpose these.

I use them to hold electrical wires together.

I've made fake decorative candles using them.

They make music like kazoos.

They funnel sounds into your ears.

Perfect for winding your yarn.

With felt, pipe cleaners and some paper and glue you can create wonderful puppets.

They make great plant protection and even starter pots, if you cut them smaller, for seedlings.

Fasten three together trimmed to different heights and add a base.  Instant desk organizer.

Currently I am doing research and experiments for the perfect idea to have people covet these throw-a-ways.

Don't throw them out!  Recreate their purpose!

I hope my words have made you look at that those tiny bits of cardboard differently.

Long live the toilet tissue tubes!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are all great ideas, but we don't have any to spare... you will never guess what happens to ours.

are you ready??? the dogs use them for chew toys and eat them... bob tears it in half and each gets a half, they love them... all our dogs for the past 30 years have eaten all our tp rolls...

TexWisGirl said...

i put mine in the compost pile. :)

LilliStJohn said...

Well between Jack ripping em to shreds they make great fire starters - that is what I use mine for - whenever we have a camp fire, we stuff the rolls with bits of leaves, small twigs etc and stand em up, then add the bits of other wood like the olde fashioned tepee campfire. Works great. I like your ideas too - great post Gail - cheers an hugz to M, the keeper of the tractor n all. lol

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

When I saw the tv commercial for not having cardboard rolls I was very upset. All the family was sitting and looking at the tv and not one of them had any expression, but inside I was like making a list, like you, of all the things I have used the little wonders for in my lifetime. Damn, their gonna screw something else up and take it away. Bah Humbug.

Linda Kay said...

Don't forget the recycle. Our recycle place will take them with the thin cardboard. I do have to admit that my dogs also like to grab them if I don't put them up. Good ideas on the reuse...I'm all about recycling.

C-ingspots said...

We use them for fire starters as well. I stuff them with drier lint and add kindling. Works great!Lots of good ideas here.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Get enough together and kids could build a fort. Indoor only, of course.
We've used them for cords before.

labbie1 said...

I was going to say the dryer lint stuffed fire starter thing. Recycles TWO throw aways. Can use them in the fireplace in winter too. If they get wet, just squeeze some hand sanitizer on them and then light them. Lights anywhere. ;)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I 'use mine for electrical wires/cords/twine, string holders...:)JP

Maude Lynn said...

My little girl is always using toilet tissue tubes for some craft or another!

Henny Penny said...

I've used them to keep cut worms off my young tomato plants. Wonder if the price of toilet paper will come down since there will be no roll in the middle. :)

Farm Girl said...

I am so glad you are going to do that job. I really hate throwing them away. I will keep your list handy.

21 Wits said...

Ah yes, like those little mini paper cups my hubby wants everywhere, and my one dog uses as many as possible for chew toys... great ideas for those many rolls, or like last weekend, one more thing for the campfire!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

My cat plays with them LOL

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That is a super idea- I never thought about putting those empty rolls to a second use.

Lynne said...

Fire starters . . . stuffed with used candle tapers, perfect for getting the fire started!

Great ideas Gail . . . Ways we can find to recycle/recreate makes for good repurposing . . .

Susan Anderson said...

Can't say I use them, but will it help bail me out if I tell you we recycle them?


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