a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ain't No Handyman or Murphy's Law or It Sure Ain't My Week...

I've laughed at few friends' tales like Mad Snapper's Murphy's Law and Two Men and a Little Farm's Epic Bathroom Battle   Really enjoyed their stories,  I just couldn't help myself...and Karma bit me!
My paybacks began when I laughed, of course, but the first pay back came from the brilliant idea of placing this desk in the main house after I cleaned it.
Beautiful little desk with a place for your pen and your ink well. A few carvings and scratches but a pretty piece nonetheless.
Yep, this was my downfall (and laughing at other people's woes).  First I diligently worked to bring the water hose to the patio at the bottom of this TALL porch.  After I have it ready to go I remember we have no power.  No power means no water.

Not to be stymied by this little set back I struggled and brought the desk up the steps to oil and clean it.
I proceeded to clean at least sixty years of dust and grime from this wonderful piece.  My plan was to set it in my entry hall as a handy spot to sit while taking off my boots.  Seat folds up or down, small foot print for a beautiful piece of history.  Lemon oil and iron cleaner and a filthy rag later I stepped off the porch backwards...I think.

As I'm trying to regain my balance I decide it's a good idea to grab the desk. Well, it was a good idea, sorta. The desk had enough weight that I spun around like someone working on uneven parallel bars. This would have made a great video! I am finally, after hours of trying to completely fall, able to grab the porch rail and bring every thing to a screeching halt.

The desk was unharmed and silently sat where I had placed it...I think it was laughing.  My right forearm hit the first CONCRETE step, my hip hit the third.  Hurting like crazy I decided not to finish cleaning.  I did not tell Hubby til I healed for fear of him bird-dogging me where ever I went.  Good thing is I have no broken bones.  The bruises are fading but the desk still sets.

This was the no power day and the beginning of The Electronic Strike.  The power returned almost 24 hours later minus phone and internet.

Then the washer died.  One of those wonderful HE washers that are worthless! This is the third time it's died while still under warranty. Will be a month before some one can repair it. If it wasn't under warranty I could have it repaired in less than three days.

Phones were out. Got them back, nothing but static.  Hubby worked on that and finally this morning the phone man came for the second time and said power surge was the culprit.

Now the internet has changed my setting to WEP and I need WPA2.  My brilliant nephew, Toni, told me that.  Now I have to call the internet service to reset every thing.

Oh, I almost forgot...I have a pipe leaking in the bathroom!

If I have another week like this, I going "off the grid" doing candles, books, and the wash board.

I'm feeding that Mr Murphy some laxative where he has something to do besides bother me.
Here's my shirt.
Have a great day.


OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Holy moly.....I'm so sorry you went to the Oma Linda school of prat falls. I never just fall, it always is a freak show of some sort. Glad you're not broken, but arnica those bruises girl.
Fabulous looking desk and yes, I bet it was chuckling.

21 Wits said...

If I could only send you a truck load of hugs, I would. There would be enough so you could share it with all your friends too.... such is Murphy's Law- "If anything simply cannot go wrong it will anyway" and for anyone reading and chuckling, or laughing, be ready it's bound to hit us soon too! Hehehehe! Just saying....Murphy's Law and all.....

TexWisGirl said...

so lucky your fall wasn't worse than it was! but i'm sure it aches plenty! good luck with all the rest!

Carol Henrichs said...

Oh Gail, I'm so sorry. It is on days like that you just shouldn't get outta bed. Had you known that then...I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself worse than you did. You were lucky. And then there is that power outage thingy. We had to have our modem replaced as well. Storm fried it. Sheesh! Hope you have a better day today--before the next storm and power outage rolls around. BTW, really nice desk!

Far Side of Fifty said...

A month without a washer...no fun at all. So glad you were not hurt during your fall! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'd call that a series of misfortunate events. Although good thing you didn't fall harder on the steps. Or with the desk on top of you.

Susan Kane said...

Congratulations on your spectacular fall! And on a miserable unending time without electricity.

Being a veteran at falling, I would say you are now in my club. Hope you are okay.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well you have surely matched my The Week that was or maybe topped it. i had no physical injury when Murphy came. i popped over to the bathroom story and laughed all the way through it. he is quite the story teller and i a glad i was not there,

IanH said...

Sure there's no video? Glad you are OK.

Farm Girl said...

Oh my gosh, I am so glad you didn't break something falling like that.
It is so hard when things like this just seem to keep happening over and over. Thanks for clearing that up, I wondered about a month to get the washer fixed.
That desk is wonderful. I think it will look wonderful in your house.
I am so glad you are doing better.

Linda Kay said...

You really are lucky you didn't break something. Bruises seem to appear for no apparent reason, as we can't even remember how we did them. You have really had your share of woes this week, so better luck in the days to come. Can't wait to see the finished desk!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Yep your plight sounds like my sisters. Her laptop was spared everything else--gone.

Bethany Carson said...

Ouch! Your fall sounds painful; glad you are healing ok! Terrible how everything has been falling apart; hope it all is fixed and back in order soon.

IanH said...

Did a little research. It turns out Murphy was actually an optimist. :-}

jp@A Green Ridge said...

And that is what blogging is for!...:)JP

Susan Anderson said...

One thing's for sure. I'm not going to laugh about this! (I can't afford the payback.)


PS. Glad you weren't hurt worse, though it sounds like you were pretty sore all the same. :(

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