a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, October 3, 2014

Hubby and Me and Dogs Make Eight

A hornet's nest found in a field.  I've seen them in trees and even on houses but never like this.
Obviously no one was home.  Bonnie has not learned her lesson about sticking her nose in someone else's house.  One day she sniffed a wasp nest and was stung.  The entire pack ATTACKED the wasp nest and killed all the wasps while poor Bonnie was rolling in the sand to stop the pain.
Having traveled the entire run with us the dogs were eager to cool off.  Didn't take long to muddy the creek.  It's entirely too low and too dry.  The ponds are dropping.  We need rain badly.  Miss Lil, our short haired Border Collie, knows how to cool.
Lil, Squiggs and Junior all cool off.  Bonnie is off on her only little side trip and Lizzy is staying clear of the water. As soon as we drove in the yard Bonnie jumped into her personal water garden and laid down.
Diamond Lil is not taking any chances on being too hot.  Ki-Anne even stops for a quick cool off.
Hubby stayed in the Gator but I had to walk the creek.
It was nice to be out, not on a job, just relaxing and looking.  A good day for reflections.


LilliStJohn said...

This is my kind of day. I would walk that creek with you and I hope you get the rain you need soon. My Jack loves to lay down in the water and stretch out her legs, with just her small head sticking out. She is a water dog for sure. What a wonderful way to pass some time in your usual hard day. p.s. Find any rocks??

Bethany Carson said...

Poor Bonnie! That must have been painful! Looks like the dogs really love the water though!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would love to wade the creek with the dogs.. i love wading.. the 8 of you are in your own little paradise away from the madding crowd... that hornet nest is a scary thing, if it were inhabited it could kill one or all the dogs.. never seen one on the ground like that... daddy use to put oily rags on the end of a can fishing pole, set the rags on fire and burn them down...

Anonymous said...

What a nice little walk that was. Thanks for letting me tag along here!

Sandy Livesay said...

Poor Bonnie......She has to learn the hard way.

A day away from work, just the two of you enjoying mother nature is a good thing. Love you Gator!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You have some tough dogs if they can take down a nest and the wasps!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

What a nice outing. I haven't played in a creek since I was a child. Your pictures make me miss it.

Have a great weekend. Rest a little. You have been working too hard. :)

Linda Kay said...

Yea! The dogs are out and about and enjoying the water.

ellen abbott said...

we got a good rain last night. I love your creek.

TexWisGirl said...

yikes on the wasps!

we got an inch of rain last night with the storms that rolled thru. thankfully, not the heavy damage like some parts of dallas/ft. worth got. we need a lot more to help the very low pond, too.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Wasp ground nest..interesting...I have not see the papery house on the ground before. We do have ground wasps but they are underground around here...buggers:( Good to see you took part of a day off you have begun a huge project with the old house. Hope you get rain soon:)

Country Gal said...

Looks and sounds like you all had a nice walk ! Lovely photos ! Miggs snaps at bees and one day she will get a surprise when one decides to sting her silly dog ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

carol l mckenna said...

Looks like a fun time and great shots! Love your fur persons!

artmusedog and carol ~ A Creative Harbor
Happy Weekend to you!

Farm Girl said...

What a very nice way to spend the day.

Maude Lynn said...

They are so cute in the water!

21 Wits said...

Absolutely a beautiful place for reflection and enjoyment!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Great time away for all...the kids included...:)JP

Stephanie Faris said...

My dog won't go near water. She doesn't know what she's missing!

Grace said...

Such a nice day to be out and about ~ Cool on the dogs in the water too ~ Enjoy your weekend ~

LindaG said...

Glad you finally got some rain!

DesertHen said...

I have never seen a wasp nest on the ground like that! That thing is huge! Looked like a relaxing way to spend the day.

Michaele said...

I didn't know you had that many dogs! What a lot of good protectors.

Susan Anderson said...

It's good having a pack to protect you.


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