a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sisters, Marbles and Clouds

Mavis and Bonnie had to get reacquainted and that always involves butt sniffing and other things dogs do.  Mavis had not visited for a while so she had to stay on lead.  She's a city dog and doesn't know about chickens and cats.  They had a good time together after they got the important stuff outta the way.
You can certainly tell they are sisters from the back side and from the front.  Good dogs!
Slowly gathering my marbles
I may recover them all.
I'm still working on farm projects.  Guess that will never change but I do remind myself to look up now and then and enjoy the creation around me.


Lynne said...

I like 4:00 AM visits . . .
Missing you, more from me soon!

LilliStJohn said...

Its always a glorious day when one recovers ones marbles. ha,ha
Love the photos of the sky and glad sweet Bonnie had her sister visit. Have a wonderful day. Hugz to Marcy n hi to all.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

stunning blue skies over you and they do look so much alike, just a little difference in the white markings... so glad you showed Mavis.. i did not know you knew Bonnies sister. LOVE the marble shot and i need to collect my marbles that are missing from my MIND

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh they are so adorable. Just a thought.... you with all your marbles I can't imagine:):) Hug B

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

They really do look like sisters. Cool they get to visit each other.
Want my marbles? I'm sure I'll be losing them today.

TexWisGirl said...

sweet and handsome sissies!

Linda Kay said...

The dogs are so pretty, and so much alike. My dogs always have to be on a leash, as we are in the city. Beautiful pictures of the sky.

21 Wits said...

Dogs truly know how to live right! As for your marbles, I like keeping a stash hidden from all- hehehe! So don't find all your marbles, not yet! Okay?!

Maude Lynn said...

Good luck with those marbles. I lost all of mine long ago.

LindaG said...

Bonnie is definitely keeping her eye on Mavis.
Beautiful sky!

Hubby has found a few of his marbles, too; but he said there are more out there somewhere. ;-)

Enjoy your day!

LindaG said...
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OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Hey....the dogs are precious together.
Hey again.....found some of your marbles????? Makes a body proud. I'd forget where I put them if I ever found mine, so they just run "willy nilly". xo

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I foresee a long winter's rest coming soon...but not too soon!...:)JP

Liza said...

Stunning cloud shots!

Liza said...

Stunning cloud shots!

Anonymous said...

The girls look so cute together!
I love the cloud shots, too.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm glad you found those durn marbles..I keep losing mine too! The girls are sweet and I keep looking up too...waiting for something..I do not know what!

Farm Girl said...

A very pretty day! I love those marbles, I always have had addiction to marbles.
Those are two beautiful sisters!

DesertHen said...

Yes, they do look like sisters! Glad she could come for a visit!

I feel as if I have lost my marbles this past week! Not sure about finding them either!

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