a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Diamond Failure!

but I got rocks and you KNOW I am happy with any rocks!!!!  We've had hours of digging, we've eaten out way too often, and I argued with the rock identifier of the park.  It has been GREAT.
"Signs, signs
every where signs..
do this, don't do that...
Can't you read the signs?"
Okay, a first...SHOES and SOCKS!
These are the rocks
I could not 
take with me.

We found a wonderful variety of rocks including jasper, mica, crystals, lamproite, banded agate, quartz, calcite, barite and hematite and one special sample Toni named the Arkansas Guinea stone. 
We may not be the front page news of the next record diamond finders but we had fun.  After all, that is what's important.


Linda Kay said...

Glad you had fun, and looks like you did find some kinda sorta diamonds!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I have wondered about dogs there. We have wanted to go there for years. Too bad you didn't find a huge diamond! :)

gld said...

Maybe you were too interested in the rocks....and finding diamonds slipped your mind.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Now that is a place I would LOVE to go I am sure you had fun there. Hug B

LilliStJohn said...

Yep, I think your mind was set to rock mode - that's why you missed all the diamonds. I am surprised you didn't have Toni pull the tractor behind the truck and pick up those boulders to take back. ha,ha Sounds like a place I would love to go and wander and discover. Have a lovely day n hugz to M. lol

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Fun is important! Hope you'll show us the rocks you brought home.

Lynne said...

I think you found your own personal diamonds, (rocks!)
Sounds like a fun time!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so now you spent a few days in Rock Heaven... they have to put all the signs there because most people are idiots.. but those people will not read the signs or follow them... i laugh at the fact they have state in a sign the ground is uneven. i know why they do it, just makes me laugh that they have to do it.

Farm Girl said...

Gosh it still looks the same! I remember being so disappointed. I thought we would be going down into a mine. Then of course, my parents made us share a bucket. That lasted all of five minutes.
I do remember those signs.
Okay, what do you mean, you argued with the rock indentifer? That just sounds like a funny story.
Oh well, it sounds like a great time.

TexWisGirl said...

amen to that!!!

Bethany Carson said...

Sounds like fun! I used to collect rocks and fossils.

21 Wits said...

Rocks are wonderful! So happy you had fun, great show for us too. Once again I'm hearing that lovely song rolling in my head, as it did yesterday as well! Signs, signs....! Enjoy your weekend singing and dancing .... I know I will!

Susan Anderson said...

This looks like my kind of outing!


Sandy Livesay said...

Playing in the dirt, finding all kinds of rock is a great way to have fun and relax.

LindaG said...

Sad that they need so many signs; but that is the world we live in now.

So glad you had a good time, Gail. That IS what is most important.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I LOVE eating out..and traveling..but it's always great to get home. I still think you should have shoved right on out to California. :) Never going to tell you about PH's colds again...that's for sure. I might have had you right here in my family room.. *sigh* Learned a lesso. I will READ my messages slower...I cannot believe it just didn't register what you were saying..but if someone told me they were having a ROACH WAR and their husband was hacking away..I'd have headed for home too! Next time...GO WEST, YOUNG WOMAN, GO WEST!! :) Love and hugs to you!!

DesertHen said...

Sounds like a fun time! Those were some big rocks that you had to leave behind...LOL!

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