a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, October 17, 2014


is sometimes slow
when you're old.
I've picked up fallen limbs.
Old wallpaper still clings
but some ancient sheet rock has fallen
in the old house.
I see floor!!!!
I fill the room I just cleaned as I empty the room with the falling floor.  The wooden cook stove is almost hidden again along with the cream separator.  We are a bookish family.  I just hope this floor doesn't drop from the weight before I get the other fixed.

My sister always says, Gotta muddy the water before the stream runs clear.  Well, I am muddying the water and it's not clear yet.

I'm closer to finished than I was and look forward to making this a tiny cozy place for hard times. 


Unknown said...
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Buttons Thoughts said...

"we are a bookish family" I get that:) Good work be careful. Hug B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are doing a fantastic job with the little 2 room house.. can't wait to see it when finished.. work on oh work horse extraordinaire.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shuffling everything from one end to the other. That's always a fun game.

Bethany Carson said...

Looks like quite the work in progress!

Lynne said...

The work goes on . . .
and on . . .
and on!

TexWisGirl said...

and good luck with that floor project! yikes!

LindaG said...

Take your time and I'm sure it is going to look great when you are done, Gail.
Have a safe, great weekend. ♥

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Just like my pet terrapins always tell me, "slow and steady wins the race". The older ones say, "take it easy and the rewards are richer". I like the old ones talking better but both are handy.
Be Careful

DesertHen said...

The "waters" will clear soon and you will have a peaceful place to enjoy!

Anonymous said...

My yard is full of leaves right now. Yes, progress is slow. With the rain and my old joints, it will get done when it gets done. And so it goes.

Susan Anderson said...

We are a bookish family too. Imagine that!


PS. Looks like you're making some good progress...

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks like a great old cookstove great for cooking and heating! Looks like a great project!:)

gld said...

When I saw the corner of that stove, I first thought it was a kerosene stove. My grandmother had one and I still remember those burners 'running' up two feet. That never scared her but when they got her a gas range she was scared to death of it!

Those old houses bring back memories...like walls covered in flattened boxes and papered with newspapers....then the old box telephones that you rang by hand and everybody on your line listened in!

Sandy Livesay said...

I see floor and walls, you've worked so hard to get the place cleared out. It really looks good Gail. That stove, omg.....talk about amazing.

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