a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How To Make A Woman From Scratch

Mix thoroughly equal portions of Joan of Arc, Etta James, Georgia O'Keeffe,  Sara Conner, Scarlet O'Hara, Emily Dickinson and Laura Ingalls Wilder with a dash of Mother Teresa, Katherine Hepburn and Belle Starr.

Stir well while adding a sense of adventure, a quirky personality, and a great sense of humor.

Top with equal amounts of wisdom and honesty and integrity.

Sprinkle generously with a love of life and all creatures.  Season liberally with laughter.

Ability to feed all the quiet voices of  humanity's soul.  Can be served at any temperature as a main dish or dessert.

**Wishing I could find these ingredients!  For Poetry Jam, HOW TO

Happy Thanksgiving.


Sherry Blue Sky said...

Now that would be one formidable woman - but it is true, we need all of these qualities to some degree. Especially the laughter, when we fall woefully short, LOL.

Magaly Guerrero said...

"Season liberally with laughter."


elaine said...

I couldn't agree more - women rule the world.

Sketching with Dogs said...

I don't think they could find some of the ingredients when they were making me, LOL.
Lynne x

LilliStJohn said...

I have looked for that recipe for years and just want to thank you sooooo much for posting it. ha,ha Truer words were never spoken. Have a wonderful day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so this is what is wrong with me, my mother and dad did not have this recipe... great job on this one...

Lynne said...

Right on, Right on!
Now if I can just find all of the ingredients!
Another good one Miss Gail. . ,

Sumana Roy said...

a dream recipe..sigh..

Mary said...

I love the light-hearted take on this prompt. You gave me a smile this morning. And something to strive for. Smiles!

Gabriella said...

This sounds like a great recipe. I particularly like the sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

If it was possible to create the 'perfect' woman you would have a collection much like what we have right now. For every creator, perfection is a different thing. Each one of us is the perfect woman for someone.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

this is delightful. I can only claim a "quirky personality" but I'll aspire. I love this.

Anonymous said...

Powerful dish. I think God has done this, with those you listed and of course, there are many others. I know many of us strive to be this Woman. Peace.

Eileen T O'Neill ..... said...


Seems to have the makings of a decent friend...Not many like that to be found these days!!


24 Paws of Love said...

Very creative and beautiful. And if we all really look at ourselves we have all of this and then some.

Happy Thanksgiving Gail! To you and your family.

Arkansas Patti said...

There is hope. I at least have love of life and animals sewed up and do enjoy a good laugh. Gotta work on the rest.
Have a great Thanksgiving.

LindaG said...

You have them, Gail. In vast amounts.
Great piece, Gail.
Happy Thanksgiving! ♥

Bethany Carson said...

I think at least I got the "season liberally with laughter" part. There is so much to be joyful about! --and when I can't find anything to be joyful about (God forbid) I can at least laugh at mistakes I've made (and hopefully learned from!).

Susan Kane said...

"Season liberally with laughter." Women need that to survive and help her loved ones survive.

Reminds me of something read before where God is putting a woman together with an angel's help.

When all is done, the angel asks about a tear sliding down the woman's face.
No, said God. That is from her. Or something like that.

Thanks, Gail. For sharing this on pre-T-Giving night.

Anonymous said...

That was so cute Happy Thanksgiving

Wendy Bourke said...

Yes - but can she type. Smiles, loved the recipe - and think you've got it just right. In fact, I'm sure I've met some of these women.

Gillena Cox said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING; your creation is a sure winner

much love...

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Happy thanksgiving

Brian Miller said...

can i get these are the grocery? hehe. i would throw in doing the dishes and laundry for her on occassion...maybe that is more how to keep her happy...smiles...

happy thanksgiving!

artbyrae said...

My mom and I really love this poem.

Cifar said...

I agree but an excess or less of any ingredient would be dangerous

Dear Weaver

Donna Smith said...

Changing the recipe slightly will add spice and interest to the world's servings.

Michaele said...

I love that you added caring about creatures to the list. I can tell you love to read. I hope you had a wonderful thanksgivivg.

gld said...

even if I had all those ingredients I would still need a maid to help.

Wonderful poem and I hope you all had a great family Thanksgiving.

MeenalSonal said...

You revealed the world a great recipe. I especially liked dash of Mother Teresa. Had a great time reading your take on prompt :))

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