a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, November 7, 2014

Tse' bighanilini

Upper Antelope Canyon 1 by AaronPlotkinPhoto 

The place
where water runs through rocks
called me
a quest for truth and life
i answered alone
the flute
drew me
inside the canyon
inside myself
where Holy People walked
after the last flood
in the time of First Man
and First Woman
the singers echoed
i tried to follow
but the rock
belied location
in that walk
i became the music
the air
the rock
a true Earth Surface soul
and i was healed


Kerry O'Connor said...

Such an amazing journey of self-discovery.

Jim said...

Very nice, Gail. I like the part, "in that walk I became the music the air the rock a true Earth Surface soul and I was healed." This I can relate. First to the feeling one gets in a run, about a third of the way and too the end. Also sometimes when riding a motorcycle, just me, the machine, the road, and ALL of nature.

brudberg said...

I hear how you would walk to find yourself in those places at the mercy of the spirits tamed by flutes..

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful Gail, lovely words. I like 'the flute drew me into the canyon'. When I visited Antelope Canyon several years ago, I felt very drawn in by each step I took and I remember standing in this very same spot. It is hard to describe being in such a place, but it was most definitely a once in a lifetime experience and your wonderful poem brought it all back. Thank you!

Hannah said...

From, "in that walk, " on...phew...powerful...sent goosebumps...I think it would be just like that. Thank you so much for joining the challenge today, Gail.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Evoking some powerful images in those words, Gail! I really like this one.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and i am thinking the native Americans who first saw that beautiful water in the photo felt the same way as your poem

Wolfsrosebud said...

loved the journey and history of this

Sandy Livesay said...

Now that is an adventure with so much history.

Unknown said...

What lovely words you write! I am always in awe of people who craft poetry. And thank you for stopping by my blog as suggested by our mutual friend Buttons.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail beautiful. Hug B

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Oh, I LOVE this poem!!!! especially the becoming of the music, the air, the rock. Love the "Earth Surface Soul"!! Wonderfully done!

Anonymous said...

i became the music
the air
the rock... beautiful

Country Gal said...

Wonderfully written !

Vandana Sharma said...

What a warm and soothing poem! nature and its wonders are our greatest healers:)

Anonymous said...

it would be magical to hear flutes play in those canyons ~

LilliStJohn said...

I agree with Jim's comment and also, this is how I feel when I sit in front of our vast ocean and contemplate. Beautiful Gail. lol

Lynne said...

I liked . . . REALLY liked . . .
Thanks Miss Poet . . .

Ella said...

I love the holy in your poem-so magical!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

this was not just a poem, it was a song of life. How beautiful

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