a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Holiday...

The gathering  after the harvest had morphed into a secular event.  Most were immune to the splendor unable to appreciate the plain beauty of the scattered leafs across the valley.

Outside "far from the madding crowd" I gaze reverently at the beauty around me.  The breeze touches my skin on it's way to rattle the remaining leafs, pulling them from their summer home.

In awe I wonder how anyone could be bent out of shape on a day with infinite gifts to give.


Anonymous said...

I can relate to this one. Priorities can really offer a clear perspective.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amen, amen and amen again! I just said to Bob yesterday, people get all upset and take dangerous trips for the one TG day and it is just a day, all of what you described here is there every day and most TG gatherings they go but don't want to.. miss you

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful time

Linda Kay said...

It really does seem that we should be spending the true time of thanksgiving in peace and solitude, rather than to be in such a hubbub of activity.

Belva Rae Staples said...

I always wonder why we waste time getting bent out of shape instead of looking for the more positive avenue.

Mary Ann said...

Your picture is like our afternoon skies!
Going down to single digits possibly tonight.

Brian Miller said...

i think at times the bent out of shape gets in the way of seeing those little things...and the beauty that surrounds us....smiles.

Lynne said...

Very nice Gail!

Sketching with Dogs said...

You found a wonderful way to use all those words.
Lynne x

LindaG said...


Enjoyed this one, Gail.

LilliStJohn said...

Wonderful Gail. Each and every day is a gift - that's how I see it. Nice use of those words girl.

Susan Anderson said...

I hear ya!


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