a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"We Ain't Ashes"

said Daryl.  And the suspense of The Walking Dead keeps reeling me in with only two shows left in this season.  Let's get on with it!!!  I NEED to know.

I raked some leafs to deepen the dogs' bed in the tool shed and covered that with a warm blanket.  I fed the dogs and retired to the couch.  I decided to veg out since it was unseasonably cold.  From the history channel (which I thought safe) I immediately learned there were six major catastrophic apocalyptic events with Earth's name on them.

I'm hoping it is a zombie apocalypse, if anything.  Thanks to The Walking Dead I do know what to do.
In the mean time I'm hibernating.
See you in the spring!


Lynne said...

Not yet . . . you'll miss out on the Turkey and Stuffing! Hibernate after . . .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I do hope you come out before spring. i will miss you LOTS... we got 3 inches of rain overnight and I am doing a happy dance.. hope you find out about whatever it is you are waiting to find out on the walking dead show.

pittypatpages.blogspot.com said...

If they don't hurry and get Beth out of that hospital, I may die of suspense!

21 Wits said...

Oh no! Don't hide away, what ever would we do? Imagine the lot of us wandering Bloggersville trying to replace your lovely sense of humor! We'd be hard pressed to survive! Besides, could you get reception enough in hibernation to view the last two episodes? Probably not! You best stick around!

Farm Girl said...

I love that snow and as long as you are on the couch, I think that is a safe place to spend the zombie apocalypse.
My boys are saying the same thing about Walking Dead. I have never seen it. I hear the talk about Daryl. :)
Stay warm...and safe. :)

TexWisGirl said...

our leaves have only begun to turn and fall now after several freezes and snow. such an early turn to the season...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Look at your snow!
And always remember the double-tap.

Anonymous said...

7* here in the Great Lakes this morning...snow tonight (again)...yes, I am hibernating, too.
I may have to call you in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse, though. I have no idea what to do...except call my priest.

Sketching with Dogs said...

When the appocalypse arrives in England we are all dead unless you can kill zombies by hitting them over the head with umbrellas :)
Lynne x

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh I am certain there will be cold/snow freeze your butt off apocalypse :)

Michaele said...

I am froze up here too. I watch the Walking Dead on Netflix and am only on the second season so no spoilers please. Bundle up!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Well, Gail, while zombies are not my thing, go do whatever floats your boat. Fall will be back the end of the week here so don't hibernate too deeply!...:)JP

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

brrrrrr. It looks cold there. We are cold but no snow accumulation here. Just dustings and thawings.
I really can't get into Zombie anythings. Shelley and the kids live and breathe Walking Dead, me, uh not so much, but have fun watchin'.

Linda Kay said...

You can't hibernate this winter. There will inevitably be a doctor appointment to go to! ;-)

LindaG said...

Thanks to "global warming" I know we are over due for an ice age. Joy.

If we have the Zombie Apocalypse, you will have to tell me what to do! We don't watch that show...

You are definitely colder than we are, and we are 20-30 degrees below normal.
Have a wonderful Wednesday, Gail. ♥

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I can't watch the walking dead always because of my chicken disease, but the show rocks. :)

LilliStJohn said...

I've got the camp fire lit and stew is in the pot. Dick n I are going hunting Friday or Sat and we will share - I shall bring some to the den and knock twice on the door. "WE DO NOT HAVE ANY SNOW". HA,HA There's definitely something wrong with the weather? If the temps continue to go down, bring the dogs in.

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