a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My Feet On A Sunday Night

I have several friends that take wonderful pictures.  I am short on talent in that department. Now and then I get lucky. I found my can of air and camera cleaner and gave both cameras a good cleaning. I dragged out my manuals and played with settings.  Madsnapper suggested I sit and take pictures of my feet or what ever I see in addition to reading my manual.

Well, I listened.  So here are my practice shots during The Talking Dead show last night. Without further adieu I present my feet on a Sunday night.
My little Canon Power Shot was used for the above.
My Canon Rebel
took the others.
The problem is nature doesn't sit still for me!
 How did I do, Sandra?


TexWisGirl said...

props for the socks!

jo(e) said...

Cool socks!

Lee said...

Annie Leibovitz had better watch out! There's a new kid on the block!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I just love those socks. Cool! Enjoy your day!

Country Gal said...

Great job ! In the beginning I did a lot of trial and error photography and read and watched a lot of tutorials on line then I just kept taking photos and getting used to what settings I needed for certain shoots , depending on the light , distance and so on . For my nature photography I use a 55-300mm telephoto zoom lens lets me get close with out always getting close cause nature is a tricky subject I also like to study the nature whilst photographing it helps me get to know them and their habits and helps in knowing if they will stay or go be friendly and not be bothered by me being there one reason I don't use a tripod and do all hand held cause I enjoy being there with my subjects get a feel for who they are and it helps then get used to me with the camera . I could go on but we all photograph differently don't we ? lol Just keep on keeping on your doing a great job with it all and best of all have fun , even the pros will tell you there is a never ending learning curve when it comes to photography ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can you hear me clapping??? can you see my standing ovation?
I like what the Rebel did you your socks most, but the little guy did good to... and you also get A Plus for the worlds most colorful socks. plus you had fun, we had fun..... what else did you shoot???

Sandy Livesay said...

Cute socks!!! You did a great job on taking pictures of your feet.
You watched the walking dead? Can't believe the little guy opened his mouth when trying to slip by walkers with his family.

Martha said...

HAHA! I love your socks. So funky :)

Anonymous said...

Well, we see your feet in other scenarios. Why not as they relax in front of the TV?

Josie Two Shoes said...

Only you could make photos of feet so fun! Your socks are adorable too! 😊

Far Side of Fifty said...

Cute socks! I like the rebel shots the best. Practice, practice! I read my manual; from time to time too:)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I think they're great! You could do a whole series on your feet.

LindaG said...

You take great pictures, Gail. Nothing wrong with amateur photos, but these are great, too. At first I thought your socks had 'little green men', and I thought they were really neat. But I love the smiley faces, too. :)

The Furry Gnome said...

Colourful feet!

Lynne said...

Love your feet in color!
REBEL is getting some action these days!

Debbie said...

i like the socks!! you seem to have many talents and a lot of energy. i use a nikon now but i started with canon rebel. i don't mess with settings, i use my nikon like a point and shoot!!!!

21 Wits said...

Now those are the happiest socks I've seen in a long, long time!

Lowcarb team member said...

Just love your socks ...
Looking around various blogs - I've found that it is very fashionable and the 'in thing' to photograph your feet ... socks, slippers, shoes etc etc.
Now, I don't do the 'in thing' that often maybe I should .. I've got a favourite pair of socks grey with pink hearts on!

Loved this post Gail, thank you.

All the best Jan

gld said...

I vote for the Rebel too, but all were very nice. I have only black and white socks! What an interesting set you have. My grands would be proud of you only yours match.

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