a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, March 14, 2009

3 AM!!!

Not again! I spring from my bed like I have overslept and late for work...then I see the clock. What is this insanity that seems to strike at 3Am? I know this is considered the prime hour by some for the spirits to contact you, but who would want to talk to me at 3AM? I don't even want to talk to myself this early. Spirits, from this point forward, please contact me after seven AM.

Is it my creativity trying to claw its way out? Are the blank canvases calling me to paint another
disastrous mix of paints that my sister calls art? Are there spirits trying to tell me something or is God just waking me for an early start?

I prefer to think it is a conspiracy by beings unknown to ruin the only day I am able to sleep in. There is a team of those, you know, that just sit around thinking of ways to make people's lives more difficult.

I must develop a plot to destroy these who disrupt my early morning hours of best sleep. How do I begin?


Tina said...

Gail...I hear your pain. My time seems to be 3:30am. I never thought of spirits trying to wake me..i like that idea better..my cross to bear is prob. menopause crap..hot flashes, just can't get back to sleep..what does one do at that time of the night without waking the better half!!or the dog who thinks it is time to go outside or play ball?? ...is this why we drag at noon time and need a nap?? think so!!
p.s. i like your art!! .. those in pigment and those in words!! :)

Rudee said...

Tossing and turning appears to be my lot in life lately. I should send you my phone number-I can guarantee you would not be disturbing my sleep.

Carla said...

I am dying laughing at that picture!!!!
Someone once said, when you wake up early in the am, the angels may be speaking to you, go to the bathroom, take a pee break, and on a notepad (kept handy by the pot), write down what your thinking, tell yourself its ok to go back to sleep because you recorded it, and look at it later during the day. Then you get your sleep AND your inspiration. It works wonders!!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

For me, my 3'o clock calling is usually my bladder. sigh.

Sleep is so important the older we get. Why is that we get woke up so easily and have such weak bladders?


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