a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Horses Knew...

The storm was coming.
They ran and ran.

If you want to know the weather, watch the horses.

Charme, on the other hand, stayed calm through it all.
That's my girl!!


Jeannelle said...

Wow, Gail....great shots of the horses in motion. I like the third one....they way you caught them leaning.

allhorsestuff said...

Charme! You girl..my girl does that too if others are running wild...she'll watch!
They are very good weather forecasters, huh!

Rudee said...

Dearest Gail,

I am writing in protest that you've taken down the "shine on my neediness" quote. I've read it every single day since I've been visiting here. It was like my personal welcome, and I miss it. The pictures of the horses almost make up for the loss of one of my favorite House quotes.

Irene said...

Being new here, I don't know who Charme is. What sort of animal is Charme?

Anonymous said...

Horses in motion - one of the most beautiful sights in the world.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Excellent photos!

Baby Doll is calm like Charme. She only gets upset if the wind blows cold rain or snow on her...then she bucks and runs and wants in her barn.


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