a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Is There A Nut Doctor In The House?

Here I go again! Why in the world, when there is a little hole in my being, do I want to fill it with puppies???

I woke with unremembered dreams and think, okay, that is better than yesterday when I did remember them. I love the quietness of the morning before anyone is awake. I love the absence of electronic sounds. I listen to the birds, the roosters, the goat...and wish the goat and roosters had slept late with the others.

My sister, Bev, is organizing my house and my life. It is wonderful. I have a place for sewing, for painting, for paper work, for blogging, for reading and for tv watching. Places just for me...not large places but my places.

Then that monster rears his ugly head and says why do you need these places??? You can't paint, you no longer sew, you do not take time to read...

That little spot of ugly empty creeps in and I do not know what I want to be when I grow up.

...that is when I want to fill it with a puppy!

Today's choice is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The perfect lap quilt. The idea Companion dog. The long haired low maintenance, cute as a bug dog.

So I spend my morning searching on the world wide web for a Cavalier close to me. Looking at photos and saying, ahhh, ooohh, how adorable. Plotting and planning how I can bring a seventh dog onto this farm of dogs.

I think I need serious therapy!


Rudee said...

I am not looking. I need to put a blindfold on when I visit this site. OK, just one peek.

DesertHen said...

Ahhhh, what cute puppies! You don't really need a puppy, you just need to quiet those nasty voices in your head...tell them to shut up and go away! It is the voice that tells us we are not deserving of those special places in our homes or those special times when we just want to take care of ourselves and nothing or nobody else. I had to tell my voices to go away a few years ago, because I am deserving and I must learn to take care of me first, not everyone else, then me. Sometimes it is all about "me" and that is okay....=) Tell those "guilty" voices to take a hike on a long trail and get lost....=) You deserve your quiet spots and times, so enjoy them!! Happy Sunday.......

Treasia Stepp said...

Aww those are the prettiest little puppies. I just love that breed. I smile each time I see one and can't help but think of Charlotte on Sex and the City. When her beloved little spaniel was getting raped in the park by another dog of a different breed. It was so funny.

I hope you find your puppy. If not I have a new little of kitties only 2 days old now. Prettiest little things. I would even deliver them to you.

Gizmo said...

Try Mountain Cavaliers (www.mountaincavaliers.com). That's where I got mine, and I'm around 20 dogs. :D

Anonymous said...

Peace be with you

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

As you know you've been giving me those same puppy-coveting feelings lately, too.

Well my mind has been changed. After an exhausting night Sunday night cleaning up dog diahrea, I think I'll pass.

My sleep is more important than dealing with a dog soiling my floor with the squirts! gah!!!

But, uh, you go right ahead with those puppy dreams of yours, my friend :)

Carla said...

Its spring! (and that's Satan telling you, you can't, cause YOU know you can-mean old sneaky guy:)

I told my brother (the artist) how you repaint over things, and how, to me, that is a REAL artist, one that just does to create and not for glory, he growled:), guess he's got some growing to do:)

The puppies are darling, I, too, am going through some 'baby' withdraw:)

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