a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Puppy Love And Cold Feet

I would like to thank every one for all your kind comments, your prayers and the wonderful ideas for catching these scumbags that stole from us.  I shall set bear traps and cameras...but I won't let them steal my trust in humanity.  The sun always comes up and what goes around comes around.  Thank you, each and every one, for letting us know we are not alone.
What does that have to do with cold feet, you may ask...nothing, except at nine degrees F, my feet get cold.  I know that is a heat wave for some of you but for me, that's just too darn cold!  These are rocks on the house through my frosty car window.

Now, for puppy love...you know I'm weak. I go ga-ga over puppies and would have a hundred if I could...but I resist, most of the time.  Today I could not!
Could you resist this???
She, yes, she is a natural bob tail!
Mama was dropped off at some one's house,
nine puppies came.
The lady is finding homes for them.
Guess who one sucker was???  I could not resist.  I have no idea what she is.  Mom is a stock dog mix but baby is very small.  They were born around Halloween so she is around three months old.  There were four natural bobs in the litter, the others had tails. 

Now, I really need your help with this...I need a name!!!  Andrew has suggested DB for Dumb Blonde, although a very intelligent choice, I don't think it fits.  Also would like some input as to what breeds may lie within this beautiful, has-stolen-my-heart, wrong-time-of-year-to-get-a-dog, puppy.  Any suggestions??


Irene said...

Oh Gail, she's adorable. What a total cutie. I have no suggestions as to her breed and her name. I think of Sugar and Bobbie, but those are not very good names. I will leave that up to you. You've done a good thing today.

Empty Nester said...

Cutie Pie? Sweetie? Lovey? How dang cute is she?!

Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

She looks like a little dingo. Call her Dingo!

Rudee said...

I second Dingo. Excellent name!

E said...

I would call her angle as she looks so sweet. An she may look over you and catch trespassers. I do not know what she is. the long noes reminds me of a Minny pincher

colenic said...

How cute is she....what a little angel....I don't have any good names...but she is awfully precious....

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Oh Gosh, Gail! I don't know. Lily? NO idea why that comes to mind, but it did. :( Hugs and love for being so darned sweet as to take this little dumpling home with you.
"Dumpling" would be a cute name but they would call the little darling "Dump" for sure, just as sure as shootin'! (as YOU would say!)
Anyway, I love you for that!
She's adorable and NO, I would not be able to have resisted!

Sunny said...

OMG, she's adorable! My suggestion for a name is Goldie Hound. (like Goldie Hawn.) It's late...I may have a better name in the morning, LOL!
☼ Sunny

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Hope. Because you haven't lost yours, you found her or her you. Hope is a great name for a great blonde dog whose daddy was a traveling salesdog who convinced the farmers dog to a good time. The Olde Bagg

Barb said...

I think Grace would do it for me. Easy to say and has some meaning to it. What a little cutie she is. Maybe some sort of terrier mix would be my guess.

Country Gal said...

AWWW OMG she is soo cute, you and I are suckers for pups. I to would have hundreds if I could. As for her name lets see, Molly, Grace, Maggie, Tina,Holly, Lilly, just to name a few lol as for what breeds she has in her all kinds by the look of it maybe grey hound, beagle, maybe some collie, golden retriever, hard to tell at this young age but shes a beauty ! Have a great day !

Country Gal said...

Maybe some pit bull, or bull terrier !

ellen abbott said...

Oh what a cutie! How could you resist. No help with the name though.

Rusty said...

Who cares what breed(s) are involved. She looks like a beauty. I suspect she will be one with real character. ATB!

DesertHen said...

Is she golden in color or more of a red-gold? I'm thinking there might be a bit of Queensland Heeler in her somewhere, but not sure. Her face reminds me of our Maggie who is pure Queensland Heeler (she's a red)You mentioned that her momma was a stock dog but before I read that I thought Heeler. If those ears start to stand on their own in the near future, I would bet there is Heeler in her for sure. She is mixed with something else, but I don't know what. She is such a cutie though and I would have snatched her up too! =)

Because of her tiny size the first thing that popped into my head was Tink (short for Tinkerbell).

Janice said...

Just got caught up with you.Love the pup I wouldn't have been able to walk away from that one.Don't know about a name.....Lady.... she looks like she will grow into a little lady.Loved the pic you didn't delete. Sorry you had thieves....I hate thieves....b#s*a##s

Golden Eagle said...

She's so cute. :)

LindaG said...

I don't know anything about dogs. Maybe some golden lab?
I like Gracie or Hope, too.
DB would be Dainty Belle. ;-)

I hope you all can have a good weekend. *hugs* ♥

Susan Anderson said...

She's adorable.

I sort of like Duchess or Queenie. I think she's got a regal look about her.

Jules said...

Sorry I'm late been a bad couple of days. My guess to breed would be some sort of healer. A name how about "Love" or thief-ette after all she stole your heart :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Another pup to add to your herd. Oh my!

She's lovely. Very feminine, too. Unless I met her in person and knew her personality, I'd not know what to name her. Just from the photo, though, I'll throw in a couple names that pop up when I look at her:

Little Lena
Cattle Kate (because she looks like a cattle dog)
Bunny (because of her bobtail)
Fanny (because of her cute little bottom)

Good luck choosing a good name for you little sweetie.


becky said...

She is adorable! Just catching up on your blog-
sorry again for your losses...
A puppy seems like like the perfect thing to warm your heart! She looks like "Nugget" to me!

Pat said...

Oh my gosh - she is ADORABLE! I am so jealous! Are all your dogs "inside" dogs? I wonder how big she will get?

eileeninmd said...

Oh my she was a cute puppy! Thanks for sharing this post.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

nope, i could not say no... adorable.

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