a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Angry Skies...

Frustrated me.  I have the blue circle every other word, not exactly conducive for fluid writing.  I have reported this repeatedly to blogger but there is no solution that I can find nor that they will reveal.  It's takes
long amounts of time to make a small post as every other word blue circles! It is not just my computer, I have tried others.  It is blogger, hands down.

If I'm not here you can find me at  Familiar Spirit or you may cruise through some old posts by clicking the pictures below any.  Maybe if I leave it alone awhile it will cure itself.


John Going Gently said...

I thought a tornado was on the cards!

LilliStJohn said...

Is this another story?? ha,ha If not, then its just plain OLD BLOGGER acting up again. Great photo - does this mean you get that long awaited RAIN - are the clouds angry enough??
Have a great day and ttys.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

what are blue circles?

LilliStJohn said...

p.s. Blogger is acting out of sorts on this side of the planet this morning too - posts a note or not - then sits still and doesn't move or anything - then appears to work again - It's Just Blogger Genie going on a FRUMPH again. Cheers

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail I thought it was the reception in my server as we are rural and mine has the same thing. It is as though it is waiting like a busy signal on the phone. Blue circle turning turning turning Frustrating frustrating frustrating :) B

Dreaming said...

Knock on wood....I haven't experienced the blue circle with Blogger. A few other sites have been slower than molasses. Hopefully Blogger will self-correct. Don't you hate it when technology becomes frustrating?

Empty Nester said...

Blogger is like that whenever there's a problem- they simply do not respond. And I hate that. Hope your issue clears up soon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

do you get the blue circle on other things beside posting on blogger? i have never gotten it in creating a blog, but i get it a lot while waiting for blogger or other sites to open. i changed from firefox to google chrome, google made blogger and google do odd things with IE and FF because they want us to use Chrome. since i went to chrome, no problems

Laurel's Quill said...

Are you talking about the "circle of death"??? I haven't had that issue...

TexWisGirl said...

do you use google chrome? if not, you might try switching to it. seems blogger plays well with its own products.

Susan Anderson said...

How annoying!


LindaG said...

And here I hope you were going to report on getting rain.
Sorry for the lag, Gail. No telling what is causing it. :o/

jp@A Green Ridge said...

A few days ago, I was writing a post and it just wouldn't save it...it's blogger!!!...:)JP

Farm Girl said...

I have wondered what you meant. I haven't experienced it but it might happen to me. I wish I knew so I could help you out.

labbie1 said...

Technology is so great! Except when it isn't. LOL Glad to be back at your blog. Missed reading you while I was gone! :)

Rudee said...

Well I'm glad it's not a computer issue. Blogger can be a brat sometimes.

Lynne said...

I must be out of it . . . What is a blue circle . . . Oh, bet I know . . . the one that keeps going round and round and won't open?

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