a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


has been told by Papa that his toenails will be painted when he sleeps.  Jake says, No way!  Well, Papa won this one!
Sorry, Jake, I just had to show the world.
Love you, thanks for being such a good sport.


Lynne said...

What fun! Love it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

priceless memory here, and since photos are the pilot life of memory, someday when Jake is old he will laugh at this memory

LilliStJohn said...

ha,ha, real cute. This is how laughable memories are made. Very nice looking boy Jake is :)
By the way, love the quilts - these are hand made, are they. Is this another Gail special or someone in your family made them. They are lovely.

Laurel's Quill said...

Mean Daddy!!! Adorable "little" son..

Pat said...

OMG, he is going to KILL you for this....not only for painting his toes, BUT also for posting the photos on your blog! You should have titled this, "HOW TO EMBARRASS A TEENAGER" !!!


the canned quilter said...

Poor Jake : )

Far Side of Fifty said...

Doing what teens do best..sleeping..just two toes! I wonder what pay back will be?:)

Susan Anderson said...



Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I bet he sleeps with one eye open from now on!

Ellie said...

He he that made me laugh. Jake is sleeping so peacefully too!!

Country Gal said...

Now thats funny ! LOL ! Great photos looks like our James when he was younger sleeping there ! Have a great day !

LindaG said...

Haha. Great one, Gail. :o)

Rudee said...

Poor Jake. I painted my brother's nails red and hid the remover. I'm much more of a brat!

Jim said...

Funny post and funny grandpa here, Gail. I couldn't get away with that, grandma would tear my hide.

And none of my grandkids are that nice to allow me doing it and then posting a picture.

Cazzie!!! said...

haha my boys would kill me if I did that to them.. no they would not, they love me lol

jean said...

Cute. Don't young ones look innocent when sleeping? : )

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