a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday's Things In A Row...

Today I have just one thing to show
One reason is Blogger's too darn slow.

Rows of calves behind rows of barbs
Studying the rows on the culvert
Left in their yard.

Visit Pat and join the fun.
Add your rows to everyone's.


the canned quilter said...

Having fits with Blogger this morning too! Have a great day : )

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love this one Gail. Good luck mine is better I removed a checked box on my server and it seems to be working much better. If I remembered how I did it I will let you know. B

T. Powell Coltrin said...

It really sounds like maybe your connection is slow.

I used to tell my users to do this in this order. Shut down your computer (don't just shut the top of your laptop if you have one). Turn off your router, then your modem. (Your router/modem may be one.) Let a minute or two go by. then in reverse order bring everything back up: Modem, (wait a minute), router - wait- turn on your computer.

I kid you not 95% of the time restarting anything is the cure.

OH, and that's a cute photo.


Dreaming said...

I love your brown calves. We have three cows next to us, now. A big, huge, black cow. A medium brown cow and a brown calf. I enjoy watching them.

Pat said...

I love how the cows all posed for the camera - well two out of three.....one must have been camera shy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

nothing better than a row of calves in my book

Sandy Livesay said...

Plenty of rows, including the rows of trees. Blogger is a pain this morning. Have a great day!

Irene said...

It does sound like maybe your connection is slow. What do I know? Don't listen to me!

Susan Anderson said...

Great pic!

Blogger has been driving me nuts lately, too. What's gong on???


LilliStJohn said...

Great shot Genie - I love this photo. Are these the same fellas that went through the gate a few days ago? They look all peaceful n calm.
I agree with Teresa Coltrin@Journaling Woman in reference to restarting - good advice and usually works for me to.
Have a great day :)

TexWisGirl said...

well it's a good one. :)

Jim said...

You did good, Gail, in getting those cows to stay put for the phot shoot after you had them lined up.

Also neat is the threesome in one picture, the cows, the fence barbs, and the culvert ribs. Nice!


Farm Girl said...

So amazing how you can make a rhyme.
From just about anything. :) Have a great day.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love this picture and am wondering if they are waiting until you're not looking to start rolling it! :-)

I hope you're doing well, and have had a good day!

LindaG said...

Love your picture, Gail. :o)

Rudee said...

And look! The trees are all lined up, too! It was a Thursday's Things in A Row bonanza all in one shot!

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