a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Not For The Squeamish or Animals Rights Activists...

For those of you who have farm animals you know farm dogs are an intregral and essential part of the operation.  We have a fine team of farm dogs quite a mix in fact.  We have two Border Collies and four mixes that each have their own talent and work together as a team.

Lil our short-haired Border Collie is the jump in and finish it lady.  TP is the alerter, Ki and Junior are the finders and seekers, Maggie our other Border is the all around dog.  Lil, Maggie and Squiggie herd, kill snakes and varmits.  The young ones are learning.
 The three little ones are after a mole here.  They keep the yard and garden free of them.
TP treed this bad boy
 in the corner of the chicken house.
Lil took him out and shook...
and really took him out!
The Hot Peppers learn by watching...
and Lil says, You ain't getting my 'possum!

Good Farm Dogs!!!!!


jean said...

Ugh. It's hard to like when this happens. Especially when the animal being brought down is trying so hard to stay alive. Sometimes, when living on a farm, it has to be. We had an opposum kill one of our chickens when I neglected to close the coop door for the night. It's still out there but, doesn't come out in the day, so I just make sure the coop is secure at night. Your dogs do what dogs do well. Keeping your chickens safe.

Full Circle Creations said...

Good dogs. My dogs alert me but I usually pull out the shotgun instead of letting them near opossums.

Dreaming said...

Tucker, looking over my shoulder, said that looked like fun! He's never had a chance to do anything with an animal, except chase it! A few days ago the cat chased a weasel... Tucker chased them both!

Sandy Livesay said...


Fine dogs at work!!!! They do know when it's time to work and protect their farm :-)

Susan Anderson said...

I don't think I ever realized how important dogs were to a farm...not just as pets, but as workers.


TexWisGirl said...

very much like our place - we have the #1 snake-killer, the #1 varmint fighter, and the other 2 join in for support.

LindaG said...

Awesome farm dogs!

I hope we can pick such great dogs.

LilliStJohn said...

Dogs n farms just go hand in hand. Everybody and every animal has a job, whether it be hunt, be hunted, give milk or eggs or meat, or make your grounds, house, barn n fields safe. This is called LIFE on the farm - and it works and is definitely not the squeamish or animal rights activists.
What handsome dogs you have and to think you have one called "LIL" - too cute. lol Lilly

Lynne said...

Guard dog . . . Strong!

carolina nana said...

And the best part , the chickens and eggs are safe !! Good dogs !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

baby is our alerter, barks her head off, Jake is the take it out, no matter what, he has a long line of take downs, from lizards, snakes, rats and once a raccoon. we live in the city limits to. i am a kinda sorta animal rights activist, but not about this, about people who abuse animals, that is one of my soap box sermons.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

It is interesting how dogs compliment each other...Moon & Copper make an awesome team!...)JP

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