a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Week Of Flags...

and still no rain.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so beautiful, i looked through my flag collection yesterday. i love the sight of a flag whipping in the wind.

Lynne said...

I wonder, how many bloggers fly their flag and honor America Freedom . . .

Loved this Gail . . .

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos ! Hope you get rain this week ! Have a good day 1

TexWisGirl said...

i love to see the flags flying.

Pat said...

I love to see a flag waving against a blue sky!

We haven't had rain here either. It's dry as a bone, the grass is brittle; it's just awful. There has been rain both north and south of us. Here? nada.

Susan Anderson said...

Hope you have some rain to celebrate soon, just as you do that beautiful flag.


LindaG said...

Yay! I love a week of flags. Thank you, Gail. :o)

I keep praying that everyone who needs rain will get some. ♥

LilliStJohn said...

Beautiful Full blowing Flag. I also love to see the flag flowing at my home or just anywhere. I have a 50ft pole in the back yard, where I have strung a clear set of lights on a spiral, snake kinda line down the pole and have the Flag of New Brunswick (my Province) there. At the front of the house is where I fly all flags including Canada - all holidays. During the 1st to 4th of July I fly both American n Canadian - the rest of the time its flags for the holidays and whenever we have someone visiting out of country or province, I fly their flag to greet them and leave it up during their stay. When I say I have a lot of flags, I mean just that :)
Have a great night. Great Photos and nice to see you online. We just had 60 - 70 inches of rain since Friday, so I think we are good for a bit.

Buttons alias Grace said...

Oh Gail I do hope you get rain. We had rain all night and all yesterday afternoon. It is starting again and it is cool outside. We had hay all raked ready to bale laying in the field. Oh well that is farming. Nice Flag pics. B

Rudee said...

No rain, either.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hope you get rain soon..we finally got some but could use some more! It is still dry. Well done your week of flags:)

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