a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, June 29, 2012

Miracles Do Happen

 It started as an innocent drive taking Andrew to swim with his friend and her family.  The roads were hot. It was 105 degrees.  The asphalt changed from new to old.  The truck started sliding.
It spun around in the middle of the highway.
Hubby had it straightened back out.
The front wheel dropped off a high shoulder.
The cab hit the ditch and it started rolling
over and over.
 Andrew held on to the chicken bars by the door and Papa gripped the steering wheel.  The truck stopped rolling.  Papa was worried about Andrew and vice versa.  Papa said, "Andrew, are you alright?  Andrew?"  Andrew said, "I'm okay if you get off me".
Hubby said all the things came out of his pockets and his shoes came off.  Everything loose in the trucks had scrambled.  Andrew crawled out first.  Hubby said, "Call Jenna's Dad".  They were there quickly.  Nosed into the ditch the truck rolled who knows how many times. 
Both were able to walk away.  Thanks to quick thinking and Higher Powers the guys WALKED AWAY.  Andrew went swimming with Jenna's family and Hubby rode home in the tow truck.

We only have libility.  Hubby's not working.  My job ends in July.  My sister, Marcy, may have cancer.  But The Guys Walked Away!

Can't wait to see what happens Friday.  It will have to better than Thursday was.


John Going Gently said...

someone was smiling at them both

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail someone is keeping your family safe things will work out. You have to believe that I am so sorry this happened but I am glad they are both OK. HUGS B

Lynne said...

Wowsie! Unbelievable . . . Quick thinking on hubby's part for sure . . . I bet there will be some aches and pains today.
Some kind of miraculous for sure to walk away from that kind of "rolling in the deep!".

Thank goodness they are both okay . . . the truck looks like it has reached its limits . . .

Hey there God . . . time for Gail and family to have some "windows of ease opened". They are listening . . .

the canned quilter said...

Thank God they walked away unhurt!Keep faith things will work out : )

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh Gail, i am so sorry, i know you are struggling with things now and then this. Thank you Lord they are safe but i know this adds one more thing to your load. i will pray for you and your family. hugs from florida and another Thank you Lord.

Jo said...

Gail, I am so sorry this has happened on top of all else. But Praise God, they walked away unscathed. I will pray for your family to start receiving bounty and blessings from now on. My thoughts are will you all. (((Hugs))) Jo

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Gail, what a blessing that both walked away without a scratch- thank God! I will keep you & your family in my prayers.

Chickadee said...

Good grief. The angels were working overtime to keep them both safe. Glad they are alive and well.

Dreaming said...

Ouch! Thank Heavens the guys are OK.
But I am so sorry about the truck.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Oh wow, so sorry about the truck. They ARE so blessed to be able to walk away. I was amazed when my daughter lived after rolling her car three times. She says to this day, "someone" was holding her in the car. There was also someone in the crowd that lent his phone to her that never spoke. There were scads of people who stopped that day.

But, I am sorry about the truck. Will be praying for your sister.


ellen abbott said...

just wasn't their time to go. so glad they are both OK. but, wow. that's a bit scary, that hot asphalt new to old could cause the truck to go into a slide like that.

Pat said...

Wow! Thank God they are alright! That had to of been awfully scary! Thank God your husband kept his wits about him throughout the ordeal. That man has 9 lives!

You know how they say that God only gives you what you can handle. At this point is when I'd put my hands on my hips, look up to the sky and yell, "God, we've had enough!"

Barb said...

Wow, what a story. You guys must be doing something right!

Farm Girl said...

That is a huge miracle. I am so glad they were able to walk away.
I am so happy that they were safe.
I will be praying for you and your family.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, gail. thank GOD for that. i know the worries and woes are all still coming, but you were really blessed here.

Rudee said...

OMG! It appears you men are built as tough as that Chevy...like a rock tough. So glad they're safe, Gail.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Really scary..I hope they are okay in the days after..injuries often do not show up right away. I hope they had their seat belts on. If not it is a good reminder. My best to Marcy:)

Full Circle Creations said...

WOW....I'm so glad that they are okay. The good Lord was watching over them. I'm so sorry about the truck. And your sister. I will be praying for you and your family!


Sandy Livesay said...


Thank God, Den and Andrew were able to hold on and brace themselves while the truck was rolling. The man upstairs was watching over both your guys. I know you're going through some really tough times right now. My church group will be praying for you and your family for things to get better. God Bless you my friend.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Oh my gosh, Gail!!!! How terrifying!!
Thank God for miracles and guardian angels!
What bad timing, though (as if there is ever a good time for an accident. ugh!). I'll keep you and your family in my prayers, my friend! (((((hugs))))


colenic said...

The angels were certainly watching. I will send up thoughts that all will work out...hugs to you and your family.

LilliStJohn said...

"They WALKED AWAY" - that about sums it up. Pretty nasty accident and you know what the odds are of walking away when a vehicle rolls - SLIM. The Guardian Angels are looking out for your family - and perhaps with the numerous rolls, they were working overtime. Glad no one was hurt - the other stuff will work itself out - it always does if only we believe.

Country Gal said...

Oh Gail , I am so glad they werent badly hurt or worse ! I am praying to the man upstairs for you and your family for better things to come !

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh my sweet friend. I had to sneak outta hidin' to check on you. Bless your heart.

When it rains it pours! (wish it would...rain that is!)

Praise God for his everlastin' mercies and protection over Hubs and Andrew. How good our God is!

I look at that mess and am amazed they weren't injured in that accident.

Take care dear friend and tell that Marcy she's on my prayer list as of NOW!

Let me know...'K'?

It was acctual 115 here yesterday and our air bit the dust 'bout seven last night. Thanks to Shannon Heatin' and Air they had me up an runnin' by 10:30 this AM. Woohoo....ya gotta love suckin' on that air in this weather.

God bless and have a super great day. 'Bet your fellas are sore today! :o)

Irene said...

I'm very glad that Andrew and Den were not hurt, but it is a shame to see the truck so damaged. I hope you have the finacial means to get it fixed.

What is this about your sister maybe having cancer? Can you say more about that?

Life is filled with unexpected events that throw us for a loop and I don't know why that is. I wish you all the best and the people who matter to you too.


Adullamite said...

Man alive you don't want to that! So glad they got out OK!

Empty Nester said...

Holy Moly Gail! Wow! I'm so glad they walked away unscathed! Very, very scary stuff! I didn't know about Marcy- I hope it's not cancer! I will keep her in my prayers. I just feel like I know all of y'all through your wonderful blog!

Jeannelle said...

Oh, Gail, I'm so glad no one was hurt.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Gail, you and THEY ARE BLESSED!...:)JP

LindaG said...

Praying for you all, Gail. So glad to read that they walked away.
I, too, hope the days that follow find them continuing to be okay. ♥

DesertHen said...

OMG! I'm so glad everyone is okay! I hope all will be well with Marcy! ((((HUGS)))

Golden Eagle said...

I'm so glad to hear they came away from it okay.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Sometimes it feels like if one more thing happens we will fold up into ourselves and never come out - trouble after trouble after trouble. I know you have to feel this way sometimes. I'm so sorry that things are going badly right now Gail, but I pray that you continue to find moments of joy in it all, just as you did when you said "the guys walked away." And I will continue to pray that blessings will pour down like rain on you and your family. blessings, marlene

Susan Anderson said...

Thank heaven they are okay, and I hope your sis is too.

What a scare.


Lori Skoog said...

What a chain of events. From the way the truck looks, they were very lucky to walk away. So sorry!

carolina nana said...

Thank God for a miracle of no injuries.
Tomorrow will be a better day.

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