a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mag 122...A Writing Prompt

1) Write a poem or short vignette using the picture featured in this post as your inspiration. Feel free to take the photo to use for your post.
2) Link back to Magpie Tales from your post.
3) Sign up in the Mr. Linky list, linking directly to your post, AFTER you've posted.

Go and visit to see how many contributed so wonderfully.  Thanks, Ms Tess.
Puddle, 1952, M. C. Escher

The Puddle

Muddy puddle
Reflecting sky
People walking through
People walking by.

So goes our life
Reflecting above and below
Where people trod
To and fro.

Leaving tracks
Upon our heart
The people we pass
Do leave their mark.


Kathe W. said...

straight forward and oh so honest.

The Blog of Bee said...

The path of life. Well written.

Daydreamer said...

Yes indeed, they leave their mark.
This is a lovely interpretation of the picture.

Brian Miller said...

yes...each touch, glance, word leaves a mark...very nice capture...

Helen said...

Yes they do .... I enjoyed your gentle rhyming.

Sandy Livesay said...


I love your post and the picture is so beautiful!

ayala said...

Yes , they do leave a mark... Lovely !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like this one better.

Lynne said...

Happier than the previous . . .

Tess Kincaid said...

They do leave tracks on our heart...I love that...

LilliStJohn said...

This is just beautiful indeed - That last verse says it all - "Leaving tracks - Upon our heart, The people we pass- Do leave their mark." We all leave tracks as we trod through life - some are meant to linger a while, while others plod on. Just NICE.

Unknown said...

The rhyme and the rhythm of your poem traveled like footsteps for me until I came to the verse at the end, where the "tracks upon our hearts" captured mine. Thank you for sharing this memorable poem, Gail. =D

Dreaming said...

Very nicely done! Memorable!

Anonymous said...

People who pass, indeed leave a mark. Well said. :)

Prose, Poetry and Photography

Susan Anderson said...

Indeed they do.
As do you!


Silent Otto said...

Wonderful contrast of the world within and without. Thanks

Helena said...

There's a good few marks to mention, I'm happy to say!

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