a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Bench That Family Built

The bench has been a project Hubby and Bev have been working on to add abiance to the shop.  Each piece has history.  The headboard is an old piece of our grandmother's no good for a bed anymore.

The seat is recycled barn timber, the sides and other pieces were hand milled years ago from the very timber that grew on this land by Mom and Dad.

Hubby and Beverly have worked hard in triple digit heat to construct this bit of history.  The beautiful bench now sets outside the shop for people to enjoy.


Laurel's Quill said...

Very cute bench!!! Good job!!!

Lynne said...

Perfect garden bench. Did they make this as something to sell from the shop? If so, it will sell immediately!

Sandy Livesay said...


Talk about history in this newly constructed bench :-)
Your husband and Bev did a beautiful job creating this bench. Totally Priceless!!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wow- they did an excellent job- what a beauty!

Ellie said...

That's a great bench they did a great job on it. It will hold so many lovely memories for you all too. Recycling at it's best :))

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i just did a long comment and got a wierd message so don't know if it went or not. this is a test to see what happens.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

phooey, lost the first one. i love the bench, it is a super idea, they did a fantastic job of making history and beauty meld together.

the canned quilter said...

Great idea and great job!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love it it is awesome. To sit on something with so much love and history would be incredible. Great job. B

ellen abbott said...

Oh, I love that. What a great idea to make the old headboard the back to a bench. Now I'm on the lookout for an old worn out bed headboard.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Cute, Gail...someone will buy it for sure!...:)JP

LindaG said...

It's a lovely bench, Gail. I wouldn't be surprised if someone wants to buy it.

Far Side of Fifty said...

What a great looking bench! They did good:)

Alica said...

What a great idea! I love that they used the headboard for the back of the bench!

Susan Anderson said...

It's a treasure.


gail@My Repurposed Life said...

great bench Gail! :) i'm a sentimental sap for a family piece!

you can link it up this week (to catch as catch can)

have a great week,

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