a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mag 124 Ophelia

Ophelia by Odilion Redon

The dysfunction of a family
Is acted out in parts
Everyone is guessing
No one know what lies within the heart.

Distrust and lies
Murder and lust
Mattered not in the end
They all returned to dust.

Some found solace in insanity
Others in death and plots
The innocent were not protected
A joyous tale it was not.

Poor insane Ophelia
was not alone
The entire bunch was crazy
To the bone.

Ophelia waits for no one
Singing away her day
The river called her softly
She obeyed.

Join in the fun at Magpie Tales.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i might have to go outside and take my reflection in the rain barrel. to fit with the poem here. a poem of life

Amy Dingmann said...

Nice reflection. I also love the quote you have at the top of your page by Cyril Connolly - truer words were never written!

Anonymous said...

Hee hee...The entire bunch was crazy / To the bone. Reminds me of my family.

Excellent write...I enjoyed it.
brenda w

Tess Kincaid said...

I know about the pain of dysfunction up close and personal...you describe it well...

Brian Miller said...

ha everyone does have their own brand of madness...love the cadence...esp in that opening stanza...i work right in this...

JANU said...

Captured the essence of her character beautifully, which may be true for many...

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Nice mag Gail- you describe her well!

Jeannelle said...

Good one, Gail.

Laurel's Quill said...

I didn't read about Ophelia before I write, which is my custom. I like to just let the picture speak to me, and coincidentally, my Babysitter has to be mad!! Have a great Sunday, Gail!!

Other Mary said...

Your final stanza is golden!

Maude Lynn said...

I really like that last stanza! Well done!

Unknown said...

Your poem dwells in tragic places. I love the insight and the sensitivity you have woven through your stanzas. The softly, singing end is so typical of madness. Poignantly sorrowful Gail, thank you.

Berowne said...

The entire bunch was crazy...
H'mm. I always thought Horatio made a lot of sense. :-)

Dana Dampier said...

I think we all have a bit of her inside of us! That is what makes us poets.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

When I read "dysfunction," I knew you'd make her a gonner...:)JP

LindaG said...

Well done, Gail. ♥

kaykuala said...

Beautiful take, Gail! Plainly it is a direct reference to the tragedy of Hamlet. But you did better. You cleverly disguised it and refrained from mentioning other names except the given Ophelia. Brilliant!


hyperCRYPTICal said...

Well done indeed.

Anna :o]

Susan Anderson said...

I really like what you did with this, Gail. And I like that you addressed the picture's theme.


Helen said...

Crazy to the bone ~~ love it!!!

Little Nell said...

No wonder she succumbed. You’ve painted a picture of a tragic bunch all right.

Silent Otto said...

Ah the hidden life of families, such a taboo subject in our sun- drenched western culture, thanks Gail . , nice touch

Gerry Snape said...

you are so right...though I suspect that all families are disfunctional in their own way. Great words...thankyou!

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