a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, July 2, 2012

We Have No Fire...

except in the sky.  It is most intense.  Rain and moisture is a sweet dream that hasn't come.
Many are selling their cattle because there is no hay.  We are lucky to be able to irrigate our pasture but the cows seem to be ahead of the grass we have.  We are feeding range pellets.

The very sad part is it's not just our state but the states that grow much of the country's food. 

Light a candle and pray for rain...but don't drop it in the grass.


♥ Helen said...

I really hope you will get rain, and food for the animals.

LilliStJohn said...

Gosh, Gail, I do hope the rain and moisture come soon. It makes me feel sad that many are selling their cattle because there is no hay. Does this mean they would close their farms, or just selling the cattle. Will there be farmers just not farming or will everything slow down till the rain comes?We have never had much drought here - its the other way around. Here's hoping that sweet dream comes real soon.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail that is a beautiful photo.
I am so sorry for all those waiting for the rain. I do pray it will rain soon. I have been watching the news and it is unbelievable.
We are doing hay and by now we usually have about 600 round bales we only have 250 our no winter winter is taking its toll. Decisions are going to be made in this area too.
I pray for rain and a stop to those fires. Hug B

T. Powell Coltrin said...

We are in a hard place for sure.


VioletSky said...

Those of us who senselessly toss out remarks about the 'perfect' weather when there is no rain do not realize how it affects all of us - but especially the farmers.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we all tend to forget that all of these natural disasters, fire, flood, wind are not only destroying homes and peoples lives but our food supply.

Sandy Livesay said...


As you know, I've been praying (nonstop) for rain. Everything is drying up in the surrounding states and animals need to be feed. The jet stream that hangs needs to move, so we have the opportunity to get rain.

Alica said...

I can only imagine how difficult it must be to need rain so badly. Praying for the much needed rain across the Midwest and elsewhere...to water crops, and to put out those horrible fires!

Dreaming said...

Our neighbor's 'herd' went from 3 to 11 while we were gone. We were thinking she might have taken in some cows from an area that had to be evacuated because of fire. Things are so dry out here. Scary times.

Irene said...

It's tough to be at the mercy of Mother nature. I hope you get that much needed rain soon. I'm sure giving the cattle the alternative feed is very expensive. Good luck!

TexWisGirl said...

terrible. sounds just like texas last year.

ellen abbott said...

Oh, I can totally sympathise. Sounds like it was here last summer.

Laurel's Quill said...

These fires are so horrible...poor colorado. I am grateful that CA has been pretty lucky this year, so far. It's been coolish here.

Susan Anderson said...

Great last line, Gail.

And I am praying for rain...


the canned quilter said...

Yeah we are pretty much in the same boat! Praying for rain for both of us.

TxFarmhouse said...

We finally got some rain this weekend. Hope we don't have a repeat of last summer. We have to trust in the Lord that He knows what's best for us. Very much easier said than done. He protects us from the unknown.

Far Side of Fifty said...

We got rain last night..I hope you get some rain soon:)

Pat said...

I will pray for rain AND lower temps!

LindaG said...

God bless. ♥

Rudee said...

We were blessed all day yesterday with intermittent torrential rains and not a few rumbles of thunder. It's still so darned humid and hot, but the plants in my modest garden look perky today. I can't imagine what the drought does to a big farm.

Pray to St. Rita...she is the Saint for lost causes. Perhaps she'll hear your plea for rain.

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