a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, July 23, 2012

An Award...

passed to me from A Quiet Corner. I humbly accept and think I am supposed to write eight things about myself.
So look out...eight things you may or may not have guessed about me coming right up. I kinda took clues from A Quiet Corner's Eight.

1.  Do not like hot dry weather, at all.

2.  Like things in order but not too worried if it's not.  It will be eventually.

3.  Thinking about shaving my head since I'm retiring.  I said, THINKING. I imagine I will just cut it shorter.  I have never been a hair person, if it's too short to braid then it's gone.

4.  Been blogging since September '08 and have written 1737 posts on this blog.   My second blog is about animals called Familiar Spirit.

5.  I like to play with words, paints, cloth, wood and animals.

6.  I have a strange almost dark sense of humor.

7.  I am rather independent and dislike asking for help.

8.  The world of blogging has put me in touch with so many amazing wonderful supportive loving people.  I can't imagine how I ever did without y'all.

Thank you for the honor of this award.  Everyone reading this deserves it so grab the picture and do your thing.  Have fun with it!


Buttons Thoughts said...

Congrats Gail.
Funny I wanted to shave my head too. It could be the heat or just weird I do not know:)
I am so glad I found your blog and friendship too. B

Sandy Livesay said...

Congratulations on being honored with the Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award!
Just think about shaving your head, don't shave, lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love your sense of dark humor, it shows on both your blogs. and i am with you on shaving the hair, my friend has hers about 1/2 inch all over and it is so easy. i to do not like asking for help

Lynne said...

Shaving your head might be the thing to do on your last USPS day . . . which is today isn't it?

Laurel's Quill said...

I grew out my hair this summer so that I could put it in a pony tail..it's kinda short and looks kinda stupid, but it is OFF MY NECK!!!!!!

Laurel's Quill said...

I forgot...speaking of retirement, I read about $$troubles with the USPS...is your pension okay???

Laurel's Quill said...

whoops, forgot again..you like email replies...here's mine.

TexWisGirl said...

i like short hair, too. i have had it clipped as close as 1/2 inch but never quite shaved it off. :)

allhorsestuff said...

Neat Gail!!

I feel exactly the way you do, on all. ( save #3 am a hairdresser #7 I rather like asking for help, when I truly need it...because I *l*o*v*e to help others, a.d wouldn't begrudge someone the gift if giving )
And started blogging at the same time too.

Be well!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm into pony tails right now for some reason, but go for the shave...it's got to be cool and so much easier to deal with!

Tess Julia said...

There were a number of those things that I can relate to, especially the playing with animals. As I write this I have my entourage of four animals with me in the room :)

Pat said...

Shave your head? Now THAT should be a blog post!

Congrats on your retirement. Something tells me that you will NEVER be bored at home!

LindaG said...

I keep thinking I'm going to cut my hair. But I just keep putting it up instead.

Have a wonderful evening, Gail!

Anonymous said...

Well as long as you are just thinking about it. LOL Congrats on the award! Traci

Country Gal said...

Congrats on the award ! As for the hair what ever floats your boat I say ! Myself I have always had medium to long hair and just put it in a pony tail . You know we are a lot alike in the humor department can be a bit twisted sister lol I to don't like to ask for help either but like to try to help others if they need it . Blog land has given me so many wonderful friends through it ! Like you . Have a great day !

Susan Anderson said...

Kudos on the award. You deserve it!


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