a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Job On Every Front...

I've had a favorite snake for years.  A plaster snake who has seen better days.  I could not part with him even if he was broken.  Hand painted by me, he has aged far quicker than I have.

So last night I thought of a solution.  Cobra was broken at the base but still had a solid rod through the center of his body.

The idea hit!  Gorilla Glue and DryDex Spackling might just work.

In the center of my room, I began.  Gorilla Glue was the first ingredient.  Gotta make those edges stick.
We don't live in the land of cobras but people still step back just a little when they run into one.
Knowing me, you can guess I move it around a lot...or I did before he was broken.
I've missed my little buddy. Hiding in some flowers or just sitting at the end of a sofa, he rarely goes unnoticed.
So repairs progressed.  Spackling and glue drying on my hands.  A little sanding, some carving of snake scales, and a new creative coat of paint and Cobra will rejoin my collection of fun.
Please note the ingenious use of scissors to prop him in place while it dries in the perfect snake position.

This gentleman is probably twenty years old a simple plaster cast on wire but he is dear to me. 

Next time you see him, beware, he will blend in very well and my fun will continue.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

my son had a friend who had one of these, his was black and looked so real it scared me silly. great idea to repair it and phone repairing and them sitting him in different places. can't wait for photos of the final paint job

Buttons Thoughts said...

You are very clever my friend B

Sandy Livesay said...

Great fix it job Gail! I can't wait to hear the stories about your snake once you get him fixed and back in action :-)

These are the kind of snakes I like, not the real ones, lol...

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I love snakes, as you may remember. I'm not afraid of them at all but have a healthy respect. Snakes have a purpose in our eco system. The love and respect I have is due to my dad who was bitten so many times by copperheads (and others) that I think he built up an immunity if that's possible. So imagine my surprise when someone in MO last week died from a CH bite. I guess I didn't think it could happen.

I love your cobra and think he looks ominous. Can't wait to see how he looks in the end.


TexWisGirl said...

love gorilla glue. but dang, that stuff expands!

p.s. 1/4 inch of rain last evening here!

Farm Girl said...

Well he looks really real, I can see why. I would want him to be fixed too.

Pat said...

A favorite snake? Seriously? Gosh you make me laugh!

LilliStJohn said...

This is really neat - I betcha that this ole snake could thrill us with a lotta stories. What a great idea to restore him. I am intrigued with the thought of "Snake Stories from Gail". ha,ha.
Looking forward to your finished product and Mr. Snake will proudly adorn your property once more :)

Barbara said...

cool, you did a good job

LindaG said...

Haha! I love him, Gail. :-)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You're doing a fine job fixing him, Gail...I'm sure he'll be even more realistic this time around!...:)JP

carolina nana said...

It takes a special person to fall in love with a cobra,hahaha. Shows your kind heartedness.

Far Side of Fifty said...

He would scare the crap out of me for sure..:(

Susan Anderson said...

Great fix!

My son has a very realistic rattler coiled up near his front porch.


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