a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The First Day Of Retirement...

I got up at six AM, woke Andrew for football practice, picked up Marcy at the truck shop, came home and worked outside.
Decided the water garden desperately needed my attention today.  I began removing the money plants, pulling weeds while topping off the water.  Also let the water soak a few weeds for me.
Here's my pile of removed undesirables.  Dead money plants, a few weeds and the grass I pulled was replanted elsewhere.  Grass is very valuable right now.
Looking a little better but hours to go before I'm finished.  It has taken all summer to get this grown up so will take me more than  a couple of hours to bring it back to its proper state but progress was made.  Yes, there is a water garden there, full of water plants.
Honey Suckle and Golden Rod are not my friends any more.  I am kicking them out of the garden.
One happy flower.
One unfinished job.
This soft little office girl has blisters
but I still know how to work.
So begins retirement.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

don't work to hard you will run out of things to do... LOL. sounds like a busy day to me. by water garden do you mean a pond with plants in it?

Sandy Livesay said...


The first thing I would do on my retirement list.....the retirement dance (or jig), lol....

Your water garden is pretty, I would love to have one but the water would be dried up like a popcorn fart in a whirl wind here....

The weatherman are predicting 40 % rain tomorrow, yay!!!!

Don't work to hard out on the property today, catch you later :-)

Lynne said...

You go girl . . . SIT on rainy days!

Empty Nester said...

Ok, ok. I get that it's nice to be able to spend time doing things around the house inside and out now that you have time BUT, seriously, get yourself to writing lady! NOW! :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Job well done- looks like you put a huge dent in it. Now pull up a lawn chair and get a huge glass of ice tea and just meditate on how lovely it looks today!

Katidids said...

It's lookin good! Bundle those money plants and put them in the shop. The dried sell like crazy here in markets for fall floral arrangements

Dreaming said...

I am thinking you will be busy in retirement and welcome each evening with delightful tiredness that comes from a day of labor!

StitchinByTheLake said...

Pace yourself - this heat can kick your behind! But I love your water garden....I'd love to have one at my house but my husband says the lake is enough of a water garden for him. :) blessings, marlene

the canned quilter said...

Watch the heat and don't forget lots of liquids : )

TexWisGirl said...

i know you will absolutely kick butt around there. :)

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Goodness sakes girl.
Send me some of those money plant seed. Then I can fight them off someday....tee hee. Good for you. My first day was celebrated in the hospital. Yours sounds like a lot more enjoyable. Looks great.

Country Gal said...

Funny I did the same thing when I retired gardening . It can be hard work but I do enjoy it all once it is done ! The good thing about being retired is ya don't have to be some where every day at a certain time time is your own now ! Enjoy it ! Lovely photos . Have a great day !

LindaG said...

My brother has a water garden.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
You did do a lot. I know how hard it is, but remember to take breaks and stay hydrated.
When you get time for you, you want to be able to enjoy it!

*hugs* ♥

Mary Aalgaard said...

Happy Retirement. Enjoy!

Rudee said...

I recall past hard work you put into this oasis. It is a spot deserving of your time and efforts to bring it back under control.


Pat said...

First off, congratulations on your retirement!

Secondly, you are already working to dang hard. You've got to space it out girl!

Thirdly, I can definitely see the difference in the before and after picture.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Can you dry those money plants and sell them? Up here I see them in flower shops:)

DesertHen said...

Well you were mighty busy on your first day of retirement!

Susan Anderson said...

Yep, you are a worker at heart, that's for sure!


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