a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Monday Was The Final Close Out...

and I shed no tears.  I did not tell the community.  I didn't want a big hullabaloo over my retiring.  I just wanted to slip out and I did.  I left a thank you note on the bulletin board thanking every one for their kindness.

Been having trouble sleeping with all the thoughts that come with change.  The fact that my paycheck was all that was coming in is kinda scary.  Still waiting on Hubby's paperwork to go through.
Maybe I will smell more flowers,
take more walks,
do some overdue jobs
and get that plywood installed.

I'm still not sure what I want to be
when I grow up.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh my dear Gail never grow up. I think Peter Pan was right. Take care you are going to love retirement.
A cake would have been nice. I like cake:) B

Lynne said...

I am not surprised at your choice of "closing it out.". I doubt if balloons, streamers and cake would have "closed it" with any more finality.

Although I am also sure there are many, many, many who wish you well.

No "plywood" today . . . sit back, don't rush, look around, breathe . . . smile . . .

For the many . . . Thank You Gail!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Congratulations on many years of great service.

Hang on: Your life is about to begin again and I have a feeling you will love it.


LilliStJohn said...

I am still away visiting, however I recall something my Mum always said " A door closes and another opens". You have just begun to step through that other door. It will all work out - it will, my Momma told me so - and it did. You will see.
Nice way to bow out gracefully and my Mum also said "Always keep the child within you, for if you don't, you'll forget how to play" I see a lot of fun n play in your future.
Best wishes in your retirement Gail and keep the child within.

Country Gal said...

Same here .I just let the big guys know and just walked away quietly . I do hope your finances will be ok ! You will amazingly find so much to do that you couldn't do when you were working , I know I have ! Good luck my friend it really isn't all that bad being retired ! Have a good day !

Country Gal said...

Oh P.S Never grow up , I haven't !

Sandy Livesay said...


Congratulations on retiring. Now you can do what you want when you want......in other words, you don't have to grow up :-)
Cherish every moment....the smell of flowers, the water rushing by, the cows grazing, the snake scaring people and just being with Den. Take time out today just to be yourself.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Gail I know this is just the beginning of a wonderful adventure. The thing about adventures is that there are good parts and not so good parts. Retirement has been that way for me. But thankfully the good parts outweigh the bad by a huge margin. Enjoy your time - get to know yourself again. blessings, marlene

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when i retired, they had a party at work, there were 500 employees and i knew almost all of them from working there for so many years, they gave me a big blowout and when i left that day, i danced and sung all the way to the car and all the 45 minute drive home, that was sept 06 and i have loved every minute. but in my case I had taken SS retirment at 62 and hubby took his 8 years before at 62, so we have lived for 6 years on 2 SS checks. we just do it and cut back. good luck

Cheryl Ann said...

In 5 more years, I intend to go quietly, too. That will make it 31 years for me...time to retire and have fun!

ellen abbott said...

change is good. really. and now you will have the time to find out what else you want to do.

Ellie said...

I think retirement is a scary step but I'm sure you will enjoy it. You can relax more and enjoy doing things that you like. Enjoy :)))

TexWisGirl said...

ah, gail. take some time for yourself to adjust, too.

Rudee said...

Congratulations! All will work out in the end.

Katidids said...

New to your blog and I love what I've read so far. Congrats on the retirement. When I quit working a few years ago I had all these plans...took me through the winter to adjust and by spring I was hell on wheels...and tried to do to much to soon. Take your time and enjoy it!

carolina nana said...

Congratulations I know you will be glad you went ahead and retired now so you can enjoy smelling the roses.
Have fun while you are still young enough.

LindaG said...

*hugs* Gail.
We understand completely.
Hope the money gets sorted out soon. ♥

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Congrats- I'm sure this will be a big adjustment for you- but time will smooth out all your worries. I hope your Dh's papers get sorted soon.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I hope you got a decent retirement package and that the disability comes through for your husband soon. You are beginning a whole new time of your life..who knows what is around the corner. Congrats on many years of Civil Service:)

Empty Nester said...

A writer. You want to be a writer! Now get busy! LOL

Susan Anderson said...

Again you remind me of my sister, Nancy, who would have handled her leaving exactly the same way. No fuss.


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