a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, July 28, 2012

SC 117-Medical Care

“Please remit your payment promptly”
Was on every bill.
The piles growing quickly
Along with bottles of pills

Don’t understand the medical
I know it must be a game
The doctors hand out candy
The dentists say, what a shame.

I think it’s a party
A money making crime
Though they rarely fix you
They charge for all their time.

Money goes for testing
Others get money to read
You get a bill for your records
When a copy you need

You don’t have to pay for a car
When it's not repaired
I think the same rule ought to apply
To a patient’s care.


Mary Ann said...


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Amen X 2!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am now writing you in on the ballot for president. YOU ARE SOOOO RIGHT.... you could do our new health care bill. get ready

Nonna said...

Very clever take on the prompt !!!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...


Katidids said...

You sure hit the nail on the head

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail I like your poem but the content meaning makes me sad. Hugs B

TexWisGirl said...

ha ha. good luck with that...

jean said...

How so true!! And, sad too!

anitamombanita said...

couldn't have said it better!!! well done!!

Sandy Livesay said...

Sounds like a plan to me!!!

ellen abbott said...

write on the past due bill...'if you had charged a reasonable fee for your services you would have been paid by now'...and send it in.

Empty Nester said...

AMEN Sista!

Anonymous said...

LOL! nicely done! and I agree totally.

Lynne said...

Very, very, very, VERY good! I AGREE . . .

Judie said...

I fired my doctor because he wanted me to come in to see him when I needed a prescription, one that I had taken in the past for a particular known problem. He just wanted to collect the fee for the office visit, which made my medication cost a lot more for no other reason than his greed.

Country Gal said...

Here Papa has full benefits through his work ,prescriptions , eye doctors and glasses, and even dentist as well as hospital rooms and for the prescriptions all we pay is the dispensing fee and what we have here in Canada is called OHIP for family doctors and some specialists its all covered by the government ! Our health system is totally different then the States ! I do hope things get better for you !

Rinkly Rimes said...

I agree! Doctors should be paid for keeping us well in the first place!

Dreaming said...

Yup, I can tell you have been a victim of our medical system. I like your solution.. if it aint' fixed.... we shouldn't have to pay!

carolina nana said...

AMEN !!! SISTA !!!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I'll add my 'AMEN!!' to that too!!! THANKS for the grin!! :-)

Irene said...

I assume you will be happy with Obama care.

Susan Mystery said...

Very nicely done and so true.

Pat said...

You tell it like it is, girlfriend!

Rudee said...

Without getting too political here, let me just say, I think it's sinful that people in this country go without health care or with inadequate coverage. I have met many patients who have to choose between other life necessities and medicine/medical care.

When my husband fell last month, his accumulated copays cost us about $1,000. Sure he's better every day, but we'll never get that money back. Never. It's lining the pockets of a for profit hospital now.

Adullamite said...

How America does not provide proper health care amazes me. The love of money comes before care.

Susan Anderson said...

What a great notion. No payment until full satisfaction is received!


Jenny said...

Medical care is one of those things that give me a stomachache.

But sadly, I have no insurance to go to the doc to find out if it's more serious than just disgust.

This was powerful.

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