a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Fig Tree Job...

This was my second project in the yard.  Far be it from me to clean house and catch up all that when I have many excuses, uh, projects, outside.  Choked in Wisteria, the Wisteria was asked to leave and when it didn't I took charge.
This is what a wisteria vine will do to anything it can climb on.  Just like the Honey Suckle by the water garden, it  restricts the growth of whatever plant it attaches to.
Another pile to be very proud of.  That's why you got lucky and are forced to read a second post today.
Now the fig has room to grow and produce these lovelies.
Two jobs down and a bazillion to go.
The water garden is recovering from my attack,
so shall the fig tree.
Not so confident about this old body,
It's feeling the work.


TexWisGirl said...

i'm not sure i've ever seen a fig tree before - even photos of one. neat!

the canned quilter said...

I am green with envy over your figs. I can't grow them here. My mother used to make the best fig preserves when I was a kid. We had 2 huge trees.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Now that was a chore and a half- great job! (I like cheering from the peanut gallery..no sweat involved!)

carolina nana said...

Uh Oh better slow down you don't want to overwork this soon in retirement !!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Gail, I know just what you're saying when you feel the pain, yet having a fig tree is a great reward!...:)JP

Sandy Livesay said...


Phew.....Now your fig tree can breathe. That darn Wisteria is no longer choking it to death.

One project at a time!!!!!

Farm Girl said...

I hope you have scheduled rest in this retirement. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

take it easy Girl, you will do all your work in the first two weeks of retirement and then be bored and forced to do housework.

Rudee said...

Need my recipe for fig vodka?

Ellie said...

I think you worked very hard and well getting rid of your wisteria. Well done!!!
I hope you gets lots of lovely figs.
Now go and have a wee lie down - you deserve it :))

LindaG said...

Hope you're feeling better this evening, Gail. ♥

Judy said...

The fig looks so much better...

Lynne said...

Amazing what happens when we have TIME . . . Those muscles recworking in full gear!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks good to me..and I bet the Figs are good too..Retirement is not for sissies..:)

LilliStJohn said...

I have eaten figs and had fig cookies and have never seen them grow. This is so neat to have them growing right at your house. I would love this - lucky girl and retirement is looking good on you. One project at a time, we do not want you to wear yourself out, eh. :)

Susan Anderson said...

Never knew that about wisteria, either. I am learning a lot from you this week!


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