a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, July 30, 2012

Getting Closer...

Never plant Honey Suckle where you want anything else to grow.  It has claimed everything. Fair warning:  When trying to pull up Honey Suckle vines, WEAR GLOVES.  I had to let my hands heal to finish. Remember what it did look like.

The choking growth of the HS made the Hibiscus spindly and almost choked the House Leak to death.  The drought had thinned the ground cover but I do believe it has a chance of becoming the beauty it once was.

Still have to thin water plants and have that one spot around the Asian Lilies to clean.  Yep, more Honey Suckle.  I don't remember planting it but then I forget some things.

Beginning to see Dad's rocks again.  This garden was built for him mostly from his rock collection.  We have added Mount Ida crystals and others finds to make it a family water garden.
On this day we got some rain.
From Tuesday through Saturday is how long it took this soft, office girl to get this finished.  I tried not to work in the 110 heat index so I could only work mornings.  I'm calling it finished.  The lilies are repotted, the Honey Suckle and Golden Rod have been banned along with whatever water plant that was that had filled the garden. I have allowed Parrot Grass, Bog Bean and Arrow Plant to remain with my lilies.

And, yes, that is a toilet tank by my bench.  I have planted House Leak in there.  I have washed rocks, waded knee deep with what I hoped was frogs bumping into my legs and have pulled every weed I could find.  It's through!!! My back was aching, my hands a wreck, my bare feet soaked and wrinkled but I'm done!!!! 
My second job awaits.  This fig Dad planted years ago provides us with all the figs we can eat.  It have been attacked by the Wisteria.  My next job will be to remove the wisteria so the fig can grow healthy again.

You may wonder why I have so many jobs backed up and waiting.  With Hubby's illness in the past two year things have gotten ahead of me.

Welcome to my retirement At The Farm.


Country Gal said...

Soft office girl my ass ! Your a country girl and its in your blood ! Oh it all looks great , Yes I have had to pull out a few chocking plants my self they tend to get way out of control that's for sure. The work may be in a two year process but you will get it done in due time which you have more of now and when you want to do it and the after fact will be worth it ! Have a great day !

Sandy Livesay said...

Your water garden is beautiful, I can see you put alot of work into it.
Omg, Wisteria can take over everything. We had Wisteria take over our back porch covering badly. I hated it, every where you went Wisteria. If was cut back and then the roots were pulled out. It's a full time job to keep up with Wisteria.
Have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i retired at an age 5 years younger than you are and i don't think even then, 7 years ago i could have done all that you have done. i did go look at what it used to look like. you deserve a medal. i am sore and tired just thinking of all that work,
i do know HS and wisteria both take over and spread like crazy, wisteria also will grow undergound and into sewer lines, that happened to my aunt. we have passion vine that we planted and we have fought it for 23 years and it still pops up

ellen abbott said...

the water garden looks great. it's good to be busy during retirement. otherwise you just waste away.

Dreaming said...

I'm thinking I could have predicted you would go gangbusters upon 'retirement'.
The one nice thing about overgrown gardens is that the hard work pays off in beautiful rewards!
We had a fish pond in SC. It was lovely - except for that day each spring when I chose to clean it out. Yuck!

StitchinByTheLake said...

I know you're glad to be done but didn't it turn out gorgeous! blessings, marlene

TexWisGirl said...

i think it is wonderful!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I love the differences in attitude towards plants from your neck of the woods to mine. I'd love to have honeysuckle and wisteria grow in my yard. you say tomato and I say how would one spell the other way of saying tomato????
Pace yourself girl....it's been waiting for you all this time. Oma Linda

Pat said...

Wow! It looks great! Nothing like seeing your hard work pay off! I'm sure the Farm will keep you mighty busy!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Uh oh! I just bought a honey suckle over the summer! I want it to spread!!!...:)JP

Sandy Livesay said...


I've nominated you for several awards on my blog, congratulations!!!!
Sandy, Oklahomatransient.blogspot.com

Farm Girl said...

It took took years, the rate you are going you will be done next week. You are one very hard worker. :)

LindaG said...

What Farm Girl said. Silly.
You did it much faster than I would have.
Everything looks great.

And of course hubby's health took first place with your concern.

*hugs* ♥

Adullamite said...

It keeps you fit!

Carol Henrichs said...

Gail, your water garden is lovely. I just showed your picture to my hubby, for inspiration purposes. From his comment, I fear he likes your work but doesn't really have the desire to do his own. ;-)

You seem to be working awfully hard for a retiree. I bet your mind is racing with thoughts of all those years. That's OK; it is part of the process.

Soon the process will teach you that you are no longer under any obligation to punch the clock or explain yourself to anyone. It is so freeing.

Enjoy your independence my friend.

Susan Anderson said...

Looks wonderful!

I never knew that about honeysuckle...


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