a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Horror! The Head Gate...

The calves weren't real excited
Normally we tag and tattoo when they are much younger but due to the few health setbacks Hubby was unable to complete that until the past week.  Of course he chose a time when I was not around to help.  He didn't know my sister watches after him.  She kept her distance but took pictures so she could report to me and to give Hubby a hand if something went wrong.  Luckily she just had to take pictures.
No one wants their baby to get a tattoo but it is far more humane than the old hot brands that used to be used.  The purpose is two-fold, you can identify your stock and the tags contain a tick repellent.  If the tag is lost, the tattoo remains.
All done except one.  The calves won't come back to the corral even for food.  It is the head gate that scares them not the result of what was done.  Hubby never knew there was a spy in the tree line.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail My Hero and I just did 22 on Sunday night. We tagged with radio scanning tags (law) and vaccinated for blackleg because we had an outbreak last year.
Your husband doing it himself does not surprise me they sure are a stubborn bunch.
I was the gate, needle loading,tag holding cheering section.Usually I am right there helping him but you understand Fibro.
They took a couple days to come back to barnyard near the headgate but they are fine again they know we care. B

Lynne said...

I thought your title was great . . . happy hubby is "back at it" and that sis was there with the eagle eye!

Irene said...

It's great that he got them all done by himself. He's quite the hero, isn't he?

the canned quilter said...

You sneaky thing! LOL

Sandy Livesay said...


I love sisters that help out, even if it's just making sure everything is going just fine from a distance. Glad to see D out and about doing his thing :-)
Great pictures!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well yesterday i had a sneaky photo of my hubby, but nothing like this. great idea on the tick repellent thing, something i did not know about.

Pat said...

Two for one. That's a great idea! Hey, didn't you want to get a tattoo? That's the only way I'd be able to do it! Stick my head in a brace so I couldn't get out and tattoo my ear! Hahahahaha

ellen abbott said...

goo job

ellen abbott said...

um, I meant, 'good' job.

Farm Girl said...

I always enjoyed that part. We would have such fun on those days. It was hard work but worth it all for the memories I have today. Thanks for sharing. Great photos by the way.

Laurel's Quill said...

Thank God your sister wasn't capturing the "other" little ritual that we do to the little boy calves...hee hee. It's tough on the Farm, I tell ya!!

Vickie said...

Aren't sisters the BEST! GLad she was spying... Glad your hubby is feeling like doing farm jobs, too!

TexWisGirl said...

may their trauma be forgotten. :)

LindaG said...

Glad to hear it all went well, Gail! :o)

Country Gal said...

Awesome photos ! Glad all went well ! Have a good day !

LilliStJohn said...

Wow, these are great photos - I am impressed with your Sister's photos - great photography. Good to see TM is out and about doing his stuff on the farm. I did not know about tags containing tick repellent - great to know. Have a great night :)

Rudee said...


Susan Anderson said...

It's good to see that's he's feeling up to that task.


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Great post. I think it's cool that you all are still working cattle. It's a tough job for sure.

I also love that new quote on your side bar. :)


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